Chapter 1

Competitive And
Sustainable Industry

Looking ahead
– InfoComm Media Masterplan

While the industry has witnessed some successes this year, MDA is committed to ensuring that the industry continues to thrive in the longer term. In 2013, MCI announced the formation of the 14-member steering committee to develop the 10-year Infocomm Media Masterplan. This is a private-sector led effort which seeks to establish Singapore as a Smart Nation that leads the world in tapping the potential of Infocomm and Media (ICM), and nurtures innovative talent and enterprises to bring about economic growth, social cohesion, and better living for our people up to 2025. The Steering Committee is supported by five Working Committees with representatives from MDA and Infocomm Development Authority (IDA) to develop each of the following strategies:

  • Establish agile, pervasive, and trusted ICM infrastructure;
  • Build vibrant, strategic and enabled ICM sectors;
  • Grow and retain passionate ICM human capital with required skills;
  • Enable people and businesses to harness the power of ICM; and
  • Build a R&D ecosystem that supports ICM innovation and commercialisation.

To fulfil this vision, MDA, together with the committees, MCI, IDA, the Economic Development Board (EDB) and the National Research Foundation is charting the next phase of the development of Singapore’s ICM sectors up to 2025. With this vision, we will contribute towards A Better Quality of Life for Singaporeans with innovative ICM solutions and Sustainable and Quality Growth using the ICM sectors to optimise our national resources, drive productivity for critical industries, and build globally competitive Singapore-based ICM companies. A possible idea that is being explored under the Masterplan is to build local ICM capabilities to provide a targeted tech-enabled media service to improve the quality of lives of Singapore’s next generation of seniors. Examples of services and technologies which could be developed include enhanced speech and visual recognition technologies, purpose-built games to improve cognitive capabilities and personalised services to remind seniors about important daily routines based on their physical conditions. The final report of the Infocomm Media Masterplan is targeted to be launched in 2015.

Infocomm Media Masterplan
(Images courtesy of MCI)

To align development efforts for the media industry with the Masterplan, the funding period of Singapore Media Fusion Plan has also been extended from FY2013 to FY2015.