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NGNBN is one of Singapore's top engineering feats

NGNBN is one of Singapore's top engineering feats

IDA’s Next-Generation Nationwide Broadband Network (NGNBN) joins the elite Top 50 engineering feats of Singapore.

Joining the ranks of Singapore’s iconic engineering marvels is IDA’s Next-Generation Nationwide Broadband Network (NBNBN).

It stands tall as one of the Top 50 awardees in the prestigious Engineering Feats@IES-SG50.

Some background: Engineering Feats@IES-SG50 was a national competition organised by The Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES) to recognise the top 50 engineering achievements that have made the greatest economic, infrastructural or societal contribution to Singapore in the past 50 years. 


IDA’s Next-Generation Nationwide Broadband Network (NGNBN) is now recognised as one of Singapore's top 50 iconic engineering feats.

Other notable winners include the massive Gardens by the Bay, Jurong Island, the Marina Coastal Expressway, the Bionix tank and NEWater.

NGNBN was conceptualised and set up to give all Singapore residential and non-residential properties high-speed broadband access. 

It supported the growth of knowledge-based sectors and catalysed the deployment of new digital services for consumers and businesses. 

The NGNBN was fully deployed in just 4 years, putting in place a nationwide ultra high-speed optical fibre network that created an Open Access environment that enabled multiple operators to deliver a wide range of high speed applications and services to both residential and commercial end-users. 

Thankful Team

Today, it has successfully achieved nationwide fibre coverage, with more than 75 per cent of Singapore households subscribed to NGNBN services. 

One of the IDA team members for this project, Mr Reuben Wong, expressed his elation at the win. 

He said, “I came on board at the project’s later stage, but I have heard about the many late nights that the pioneer members put in, and the challenges they overcame to pull the project together.”

The team is immensely proud that all the hard work has paid off, and that the project transformed Singapore.

“Today, it feels great to be able to see the benefits that NBNBN has brought and all the team members feel the same as I do – proud that we have made a difference.”


A close-up of the Engineering Feats@IES-SG50 received by IDA for the NGNBN project.

Mr Khoong Hock Yun, Assistant Chief Executive, IDA received the award from Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, who was the Guest-of-Honour for the IES Golden Jubilee Gala Dinner held on 1 July 2016.   

Mr Khoong said, “We are honoured to receive this award. It was a great experience for us to be a part of a close, dedicated and professional team that designed and implemented the Next Generation Nationwide Broadband Network (NGNBN), which transformed Singapore's broadband landscape and enhanced how Singaporeans work, live and play.”

The ecstatic team is clearly not resting on its laurels — the members are already gearing up for the next major engineering challenge.

Added Mr Khoong: “Singapore is moving into the next chapter of our economic growth. As IDA evolves into IMDA, we will be in a better position to further enhance our tech and engineering capabilities to strengthen our IT, communications, media and data  frameworks as a Smart Nation. 

“On top of enhancing users' experience, better, faster and safer connectivity will also pave the way for new and innovative products and services to be created."

Photo credit for teaser image: Singapore Skyline from Elgin Bridge by Erwin Soo licensed under CC By-NC 2.0. Image has been cropped.


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