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A royal presence for on-the-go security

A royal presence for on-the-go security

Guarding a building round the clock can be a daunting task for employees in security companies. As a result, many security companies have found it a challenge to attract manpower to the sector.

Looking to a more manpower-lean operation, Ms Vijayah Sigamani, Director of Royal Security, decided to ride on digital technology to do more with fewer people on the ground. She sought a solution that could boost the efficiency of her staff.

“It is important for businesses to adopt digital technologies,” she noted. “I’m a firm believer that digital technology acts as an enabler for businesses to improve productivity and efficiency.”

Time saving achieved with mobile reporting solution

For Royal Security, the answer came in the form of the iREP Security System developed by local solution provider, Gabkotech Innovations. The pre-approved SMEs Go Digital solution provides a mobile reporting, maintenance tracking and monitoring system for guards or officers on the ground.

It uses GPS trackers and live image capture to enable them to write incident reports on-site. They can also take attendance and manage visitors visiting the premises.

What the solution has provided is a more transparent, integrated view of operations at sites that Royal Security’s staff guard. It can also monitor the performance of the security team in real time and can allow them to communicate and respond more effectively with access to information.

This has translated to an improvement in the services by Royal Security and the team on the ground. The company has also achieved time savings of between 8 and 10 hours per week as the operation staff can now easily retrieve incident reports. They need not head down to individual sites to verify the incidents.

Royal Security has also enhanced its operational efficiency as attendance can be taken remotely and stored in the cloud for easy retrieval and verification by the operations team back in the office. This further reduces payroll errors or disputes.

Technology makes a big difference to overcome manpower and resource crunch

Since rolling out iREP Security system with 16% of their total sites in December 2016, Royal Security has now scaled up to 70% of their sites, all of which are commercial buildings such as factories. It is considering adopting the solution for all its sites.

“For SMEs, technology makes a big difference by enabling us to overcome the manpower and resource crunch that we often face,” said Ms Vijayah. “Without boosting our operations, we would always be constrained by the same old obstacles.”

Visit SMEs Go Digital Programme for a list of Pre-approved Digital Solutions, or find out more about Accreditation@SGD.


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