Created in 2008, Papahan Films is a television production company headed by its Creative Director M. Raihan Halim and Managing Director Edmund Dion Lim. Together with Producer, Asra Aman, Papahan Films aims to push the boundaries of storytelling on both film and television screens.

In 2014, Papahan Films released its first commercial feature film Banting (2014) in Singapore. Produced in association with the Singapore Film Commission, Banting opened to sold-out theatres, and has been screened at film festivals such as the 34th Hawaii International Film Festival. The film also had its theatrical release in Malaysia, 2015.

The company is also well known for its award-winning dramas, producing television hits such as Ayah Kat Rumah (2010), Mr Perfect (2011) and the highly-acclaimed heist telemovie Big Time in Little Street (2009), which was nominated in the 2010 Asian Television Awards. Dramas such as Firasat (2014) and Munah and Hirzi (2012) also saw the company uniquely engaging television audiences through multi-platform storytelling, for an immersive and interactive experience. They are currently working on their upcoming horror feature film, Ibu.
