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IMDA - Tessaract logo

Contact person: Colin Lee
Contact: 9831 3983

Category: Enterprise Data / Devt Platform

Sub-category: Practice Management Solution

Founded in 2018, is a Singapore-based, cloud-native, business management software that automates work processes and helps clients accelerate growth. Tessaract makes it easier for businesses to manage projects and clients, collaborate internally and with external partners, as well as manage billing. 

As an integrated platform, Tessaract supports the needs of various functions in any organisation via modules that include document management, project/case management, billing and accounting, digital signing, amongst others. Tessaract powers growth in businesses across many sectors, from law, accounting and other professional services, to financial services and large business corporations.

The document management module enables companies to consolidate all its data into a single source of truth, allowing companies to operate entirely paperless. Tessaract's project/case management capabilities allows users from various departments to collaborate and deliver projects ahead of deadlines. Leveraging other modules such as form builder and digital signing, clients are able to collect data, assemble multiple documents from the information collected, and have them digitally signed via seamless workflows.

Their low-code, no-code approach capability means that non-technical users are able to customise workflows according to their needs without developers; and technical teams are able to leverage their ready APIs to integrate their solutions with other systems. As a cloud-based platform supporting business needs, information security is of paramount importance. Tessaract is ISO 27001 certified, meaning that they have policies and procedures in place to ensure that the data is managed securely.

They envisage the future of business to be driven by automation and efficiency, where clients and their teams can focus on high-value work and decision-making that drive business growth. Their aim is to help their clients improve their work effectiveness and achieve business success. Find out how Tessaract can power growth in your business.


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