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Review of SingTel's Reference Interconnection Offer

Issued Date: 05/04/2005

Decision Date: 03/06/2005

Review of SingTel's Reference Interconnection Offer: SingTel's Revised Modifications

SingTel's Proposed Amendments
Consultation Paper - Review of SingTel's RIO (2005) 5 Apr 05
IDA's Direction to SingTel 3 Jun 05

SingTel's Reconsideration Request
Request by SingTel for Reconsideration of IDA's Direction Dated 3 June 2005 21 Jun 05
IDA's Decision on SingTel's Reconsideration Request 8 Aug 05
SingTel's Appeal on IDA's Decision on SingTel's Reconsideration Request 25 Aug 05
Minister's Decision on SingTel's Appeal on IDA's 8 August 2005 Decision on Reconsideration 13 Feb 06
IDA's Direction to SingTel  -  Modification of RIO 8 Mar 06
SingTel's Reconsideration Request of the IDA's Direction dated 8 March 2006 and Proposed Modifications to RIO 20 Mar 06
(I) IDA's Decision on SingTel's Reconsideration Request dated 20 March 2006 and (II) IDA's Directed Amendments to SingTel to incorporate specific drafting language into its proposed RIO modifications 12 Apr 06
Minister's Decision on SingTel's Appeal on IDA's 12 April 2006 Decision on Reconsideration 22 Feb 07
IDA's Direction to SingTel - Modification of RIO 22 Feb 07
SingTel's Proposed Modifications to its RIO 5 Mar 07
IDA's Directed Amendments to SingTel to Incorporate Specific Drafting Language into its Proposed RIO Modifications 28 Mar 07

SingTel's Revised Modifications
SingTel's Revised Modifications to its RIO 5 Sep 05
IDA's Direction to SingTel 24 Oct 05

SingTel's Revised Reference Interconnection Offer
Request by SingTel for Reconsideration of IDA's Direction Dated 24 October 2005 and SingTel's Revised RIO 9 Nov 05
IDA's Decision on SingTel's Reconsideration Request and IDA's Approval of SingTel's RIO (2005) 16 Nov 05