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​​List of media acts, codes of practice and guidelines for the media market as a whole, as well as sectors from broadcasting, films, publications, newspapers, radio, games, Internet, the Arts to public entertainment and advertising.


​​1.​​​​ Medi​a Devel​​opme​​nt Authori​ty of Singapore Act (Cap. 172)​​​​​​​​​

An Act to establish and incorporate the Media Development Authority of Singapore, to provide for its functions and powers, and for matte​​rs connected therewith.​

2. Broadcasting Act (Cap. 28)

An Act to regulate dealing in, the operation of and ownership in broadcasting services and broadcasting apparatus, and for matters connected therewith.

3. Films Act (Cap. 107)

​​​An Act relating to the possession, importation, making, distribution and exhibition of films.

4. Newspaper and Printing Presses Act (Cap. 206)

An Act for the licensing of newspaper companies and for matters connected therewith.

5. Public Entertainments and Meetings Act (Cap. 257)

An Act to provide for the regulation of public entertainments and meetings.

6. Undesirable Publications Act (Cap. 338)

A​n Act to prevent the importation, distribution or reproduction of undesirable publications and for purposes connected there with.​​​​

Codes of Practice and Guidelines:


1. Free-To-Air TV Programme Code (283.12KB)

This Code applies to programmes on free-to-air TV channels.

2. Subscription TV Programme Code

This Code applies to scheduled programmes available on TV channels on a subscription basis.

3. Niche Services Code (296.55KB)

The Code applies to programmes offered by niche TV licensees, both on a scheduled and on-demand basis.4. Video-on-Demand (VOD) Programme Code

4. Video-on-Demand (VOD) Programme Code (308.46KB)

This Code applies to content offered on an on-demand basis.

​​5. TV Advertising Code (12.38KB)

The Code outlines the general standards to be observed for advertisements shown on all TV broadcast services including free-to-air Television and Subscription Television.

6. TV Programme Sponsorship Code (119.68KB)

The Code outlines standards for the sponsorship of programmes on TV services.​

7. Code of Practice for Television Broadcast Standards (173.39KB)

The Code outlines the technical performance standards to be observed by nationwide TV licensees.​



8. Free-To-Air Radio Programme Code (149.81KB)

This Code applies to content on free-to-air radio stations.

9. Radio Advertising & Sponsorship Code (122.11KB)

The Code outlines the guidelines for advertising and sponsorship of programmes on radio.



10. Film​ Classification Guidelines​​​ (114.10KB)

The Film Classification Guidelines have been prepared to raise awareness and understanding of the Board of Film Censors (BFC) film classification process. ​The guidelines aim to reflect community standards while ensuring that due consideration are given to the film’s artistic, educational or literary merit.

11. Guidelines for Publicity Materials​ (12.38KB)

The guidelines aim to reflect community standards while ensuring that due consideration are given to the film's artistic, educational or literary merit. The purpose of classification is to protect the young while allowing greater freedom of choice for adults.​



12. Video Games Classification Guidelines (36.78KB)

The Video Games Classification Guidelines contain information on the criteria that are used to evaluate video games in Singapore, and how rating decisions are made. The Video Games Classification Guidelines also outline the general principles that are taken into account when evaluating a video game.

13. Guidelines for Promotional and Print Publicity Materials for Video Games (13.96KB)

Guidelines for video game distributors who are promoting their titles via trailers and demo games, as well as print publicity materials that are displayed in public.

14. Remote Gambling Act: Clarifications on the Scope of Social Games (195.99KB)

Clarifications on the scope of the Remote Gambling Act in relation to social games.


Publications and Audio Materials

15. Content Guidelines for Imported Publications

These guidelines apply to imported publications such as magazines and books.

16. Content Guidelines for Local Lifestyle Magazines (110.00KB)

These guidelines serve as a guide to permit holders who are engaged in publishing and distributing lifestyle magazines in Singapore under the Newspaper and Printing Presses Act (NPPA).

17. Guidelines for Audio Materials​ (17.18KB)

These guidelines apply to audio materials.

Arts Entertainment

18. Arts Entertainment Classification Code (262.99KB)

The Arts Entertainment Classification Code aims to reflect community standards while ensuring that due consideration is given to the artistic, educational or literary merit of the arts performance. The purpose of classification is to protect the young while allowing greater freedom of choice for adults.​​​




19. Internet Code of Practice (105.07KB)

The Internet Code of Practice which falls under the Broadcasting Act (Cap. 28), outlines the content standards for Internet content.



20. Audiotext Code of Practice (48.13KB)

The Audiotext Code of Practice which falls under the Class Licence scheme, applies to all providers of audiotext services (voice applications which allow users to enter or retrieve information over the phone), including those which offer chatline services. 


Media Market

21​. Code of Practice for Market Conduct

The Media Market (Conduct) Code enables and maintains fair market conduct and effective competition in Singapore's media industry, while ensuring the availability of a comprehensive range of quality media services.