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OpenNets Interconnection Offer 2009

IDA approved OpenNet Pte Ltd's ICO on 30 October 20091. OpenNet has subsequently revised a number of clauses in the ICO, which have been approved by IDA2.

The Exclusivity Period in the ICO has been terminated and OpenNet has amended the ICO accordingly to allow all NetCo Qualifying Persons to enter into an ICO Agreement with OpenNet to acquire Mandated Services offered by OpenNet under the ICO. IDA has approved the amendments, and has required OpenNet to offer the ICO from 12 noon, 27 April 2010.

1The details of the ICO approval proceedings can be found here.
2The list of revisions to the ICO other than the changes arising from public consultation and the reasons for the revisions can be foundhere (128.32KB).

OpenNet's Interconnection Offer (2012)

Details of OpenNet's ICO (2012) can be found here.

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