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A Klaver idea: Sense-making for the Smart Nation

A Klaver idea: Sense-making for the Smart Nation

Sense Infosys wants to achieve better sense-making for the Smart Nation with its data fusion and analytics platform, Klaver.

Better sense-making for a Smart Nation.

That sums up what Singapore startup, Sense Infosys, is aiming to achieve with its data fusion and analytics platform Klaver, which was recently accredited by the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA).

“We anticipated the exponential growth of data arising from digital transformation, mobile technologies and sensors, and realised that manually collecting voluminous data from multiple sources would be practically impossible. This would inevitably result in observation loss and sub-optimal decision-making,” said Mr Stephen Chow.

He co-founded the company in 2013 together with former defence engineers Mr Yong Kai Chin and Mr Shawn Tng. 


Mr Stephen Chow: Accreditation (by IDA) is an endorsement and recognition of Klaver’s ability to serve the needs of the Singapore government.

To address the data deluge, the team developed Klaver, a proprietary technology that automatically acquires and fuses data from IOT (Internet of Things) sensors as well as structured and unstructured data from disparate sources to establish a coherent knowledge base.

Its analytics module then transforms the data into actionable insights and targeted real-time intelligence, enabling its clients to discover insights and make anticipatory decisions. 

With Klaver at the core, and in combination with the company’s data science consulting services, Sense Infosys provides customised decision support analytics solutions to businesses and government in domains such as maritime, maritime security, IOT sensors and Singapore-based news and public opinion. 

Its current suite of solutions includes Intelligent Fleet, Smart Port, Anti-Fraud & Compliance Monitoring, and News & Opinion Sensing. 

These solutions enable organisations to automatically harvest unstructured data in these domains, associate disparate data and enable pattern recognition, anomaly detection, link analysis and risk assessment. 

A World of Sense-making

The IDA accreditation which Sense Infosys received in May also paves the way for Klaver to make greater inroads into the government analytics market. 

Accreditation is an endorsement and recognition of Klaver’s ability to serve the needs of the Singapore Government, added Mr Chow. 

It also opens the door for Sense Infosys to pitch the solution to other clients across the government sector in Singapore.


The Sense Infosys team demoed the Klaver solution at the IDA Pavilion during the CommunicAsia 2016 Exhibition.

The Sense Infosys team exhibited Klaver at the IDA Pavilion at the recent CommunicAsia Exhibition in June, garnering interest from visitors across various industry sectors.

The company is now ready — and eager — to grow in step with the Smart Nation vision.

It is positioning itself to undertake projects that involve classified or sensitive information and to grow its suite of solutions to address the requirements of a Smart Nation — such as smart port, maritime security and public order applications. 

For example, the team is enhancing Klaver to ingest video data and develop public order solutions enabled by data fusion. 

With the rest of the world also experiencing rapid data growth driven by increased connectivity between processes, people and things, Sense Infosys is also looking to build and scale its solutions for the global market over the next two to three years. 

“Singapore, being the country that is aiming to be a Smart Nation, is presenting us with the perfect platform to develop and testbed first-of-its-kind Smart Nation solutions, and bring them to the rest of the world”.


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