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Local delights for your viewing queue

Local delights for your viewing queue

Give these local TV and online video productions some love this year-end season.

Buffalo Boys
From left: Fam! (Image: Medicorp Toggle); No Catalogue (Image: Mediacorp) and Smart City: Singapore (Image: SPH).

By Priscilla Gan


No Catalogue
The four owners who don't exactly go by the book in No Catalogue. (Image: Mediacorp)

1. No Catalogue

You don’t have to be really book-smart to know that a second-hand bookstore is obviously not exactly the most lucrative business in today’s context.

So, here’s something better than the visual equivalent of a page-turner novel: An online series about the amusing day-to-day happenings at a bookstore as four individuals – with too many opinions – fight to keep this ‘business impossible’ afloat.

When they are not fighting one another, that is.

Starring popular stars like Fiona Xie, Keagan Kang, Rachel Wan and Kishan, this comedy is set to get you jumping from the couch to hunt for.a quirky neighbourhood bookstore.

You can catch No Catalogue now on Toggle, with 2 new webisodes every week per on Thursday & Friday.

Remember to bookmark this:

You wouldn't how difficult it is to live with a family of social influencers. (Image: Mediacorp Toggle)

2. Fam!

This is the perfect show for those who think it’s cool to be related to an online celebrity.

This is the tale of 18-year-old Sammi, who comes from a family where everyone is Internet-famous – except for her. Her mother runs her own popular online channel on fitness and bodybuilding, while her father runs a channel where he is an eccentric chef, and her brother is an infamous joker online.

That’s right: Everyone in her family is a social media influencer! Under such circumstances, Sammi is desperate to maintain a low profile and tries all ways and means to achieve her ideal normal life under the radar. How possible is it in today’s Instagram-influenced and Facebook-fascinated world?

A light-hearted family comedy series, FAM! sheds light on the present-day society’s obsession of wanting to be seen and heard online – and offers the counter-argument that how it can be just as fulfilling to stay true to yourself offline, even without all the views and likes.

Watch this series on Mediacorp CH 5 every Tuesday at 9.30pm, or enjoy it on Toggle:

Smart City
This show dives into how Singapore keeps ahead of emerging tech trends as it drives the Smart Nation vision.(Image: SPH)

3. Smart City: Singapore

What does it mean to be a Smart City, in a fast-changing world hit by the advent of digital technology and big data – and on a globe where more than 60 per cent of the world’s population are expected to be urban residents by 2050?

What does this mean for our public transportation, citizen services and the way businesses are run?

Find out how Singapore is staying ahead of emerging trends like autonomous vehicles, remote healthcare services through nation-wide efforts, and gain deeper insights into the country’s Smart Nation push towards areas like e-payment, a national sensor system and digital identity.

Catch the six-part Smart City: Singapore by The Business Timesnow, on SPH’s platforms:




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