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TAS Directs Mobilelink to Improve Its PCN Coverage


Following its review of MobileLink's second quarterly Quality of Service (QoS) reports for the mobile phone services, TAS has directed MobileLink to improve the GSM and PCN coverage for areas which did not meet TAS' QoS ...

Following its review of MobileLink's second quarterly Quality of Service (QoS) reports for the mobile phone services, TAS has directed MobileLink to improve the GSM and PCN coverage for areas which did not meet TAS' QoS standards.

For the second quarter of this year, MobileLink's GSM network meets most of the QoS standards set by TAS. While the network was up and running near 100% of the time, a small percentage of radio channels had experienced more than 5% congestion during the busy usage hours. It was able to provide an on-street coverage of 97%. As for in-building coverage, based on a survey conducted by TAS on buildings located within and outside CBD areas, 22 (6% - see Table 1) of the 353 buildings surveyed failed the required 85% radio coverage.

MobileLink has been directed by TAS to undertake all necessary measures to resolve the radio channel congestions at the affected sites and improve coverage to the 22 buildings. In a recent re-test conducted by TAS, six buildings (see Table 2) which failed the in-building requirement test during the first quarter of 1996, have now passed. Measures have been taken by MobileLink to improve the radio coverage in these buildings, and the coverage is now well above 85%.

The PCN coverage has achieved a network availability of near 100% with no congestion problems in all radio channels. It was able to provide a 95% on-the-street level radio coverage. As for the in-building coverage, based on TAS' on-going survey, 29 (37% - see Table 3) out of the 78 buildings located within and outside the CBD surveyed, have failed the 85% standard. A high number of complaints on poor PCN coverage was also received during the quarter. Although the PCN network is new and much enhancement works are still being carried out by MobileLink, TAS has asked MobileLink to improve the quality service in areas which are lacking as well as provide radio coverage in MRT tunnels by March 1997.

For the radio paging services, PageLink was able to meet the QoS standards set by TAS in the second quarter 1996.

Background Note to the Editor:

For the mobile phone network, TAS requires the operators to maintain a network availability of more than 99%. In addition, all radio channels should not experience more than 5% congestion during busy hours, which means that in the worst case, subscribers should have at least 95 percent chance of getting a radio channel to make a call even during peak usage hours. In terms of radio coverage, which is the minimum required signal strength for subscribers to either make or receive a call, TAS has specified that radio coverage on the street should be more than 95%, while in-building or indoor radio coverage for all buildings should be more than 85%. The standard for in-building radio coverage only applies to areas in the buildings which are generally accessible to the public without any restrictions such as the main lobbies, open areas at the entrance of buildings where information counters are usually sited, podium floors of tower blocks, atriums and walkways, multi-level car parks and first-level basements.

To protect consumers' interests, TAS monitors the operators' performance on a quarterly basis and directs them to improve on areas which fail to meet TAS' QoS standards.

Currently, MobileLink is the only mobile phone operator in Singapore. MobileOne, the other licensed mobile phone operator will commence operation from 1 April 1997. For the paging industry, PageLink is the only paging operator at the moment, but three new operators, namely, MobileOne, Hutchison Intrapage and ST Messaging, have been licensed to come on stream in April 1997.

Contact: Loo Wai Ling
Corporate Communications Executive
Phone: (65) 322-1999
Fax: (65) 323-0941

Table 1: List of Buildings which Failed TAS's GSM In-building Radio Coverage Requirement
1. A-Z Building 12. NTUC Chalets Sentosa
2. Bedok Sport Complex 13. OG Building
3. Bukit Merah Central 14. Paramount Hotel/Shopping Centre
4. CK Tang Shopping Centre 15. Parkway Parade Shopping Centre
5. Fook Hai Building 16. The Plaza Hotel
6. Hong Lim Complex 17. People's Park Complex
7. Hougang Central 18. Queenway Shopping Centre
8. IMM Building 19. Roxy Square
9. Jurong Point 20. Sentosa Resort Hotel
10. Liat Tower 21. Serangoon Plaza
11. Loyang Point 22. Singapore Science Centre

Table 2: List of Buildings with Improved GSM In-building Radio Coverage and which Meets TAS's QoS Standards in 2nd quarter 1996
1. Far East Plaza 4. Paragon Sogo
2. Holiday Inn Parkview 5. People's Park Centre
3. Hyatt Regency Hotel 6. Suntec City Tower 1

Table 3: List of Buildings which Failed TAS' PCN In-building Radio Coverage Requirement
1. ANA Building 16. Kim Tian Plaza
2. A-Z Building 17. Lido Theatre Complex
3. Centrepoint Shopping Centre 18. Loyang Point
4. Colombo Court 19. Mandarin Hotel
5. East Coast Seafood Centre 20. NTUC Chalets Sentosa
6. Geylang East Town Centre 21. OG Building
7. Geylang East Library 22. Omni Marco Polo Hotel
8. Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza 23. Paragon Sogo
9. Holiday Inn Parkview 24. Queenstown Library
10. Hotel Grand Central 25. Robina House
11. Hougang Sports Complex 26. Scott Shopping Centre
12. Hyatt Regency Hotel 27. Sentosa Resort Hotel
13. Jurong East library 28. Specialist Shopping Centre
14. Jurong Point 29. Trademart Singapore
15. Khatib MRT

Table 4: Summary of QoS Performance of the Mobile Phone and Paging Service
QoS for Mobile Phone Service QoS Standards set by TAS Achieved by MobileLink
1. Network Availability >99% >99% >99%
2. % of radio channels with network congestion of < 5%="" during="" busy=""> 100% 97.8% 100%
3. Radio Coverage
(i) On the street >95%; 97% 95%
(ii) In-building >85% for public access areas in all buildings 6% of buildings surveyed by TAS failed 37% of buildings surveyed by TAS failed
QoS for Radio Paging Service QoS Standards set by TAS Achieved by PageLink
1. Network Availability >98% 100%