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TAS Allows Easier Access to Global Satellite System


As of today, the Telecommunication Authority of Singapore (TAS) will permit direct access to the global satellite system of the International Telecommunication Satellite Organization (INTELSAT). With this move, broadcasters and ...

As of today, the Telecommunication Authority of Singapore (TAS) will permit direct access to the global satellite system of the International Telecommunication Satellite Organization (INTELSAT). With this move, broadcasters and satellite uplink/downlink operators have the option of entering into service agreements with Intelsat directly, without having to order space segment through Singapore Telecom, Singapore's Signatory to Intelsat. With direct access, businesses will be able to obtain Intelsat's technical documentation and participate in its global traffic and operational meetings.

Interested parties have to apply to TAS first for authorisation and designation as "Appointed Customers" before they apply to Intelsat for approval to access their global satellite system. Intelsat's approval is based on the criteria of creditworthiness and financial viability of the applicant. All "Appointed Customers" will be directly liable to Intelsat Management for space segment charges and all other related charges. They will also have to abide by Intelsat's standards in the operation of their earth stations.

The new policy will widen the choice of satellite systems available to broadcasters and satellite uplink/downlink operators sited in Singapore. It follows TAS' recent liberalisation of the satellite uplink/downlink industry in Singapore, and will enhance and facilitate Singapore's development as a broadcast hub.

For enquiries, interested parties can call the Assistant Director (International Affairs)at telephone number (65) 322 1967.

Note to the Editor:

Intelsat, an intergovernmental consortium of 135 countries, owns and operates the world's most extensive global communications satellite system. TAS represents Singapore as Party to Intelsat.