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3rd ASEAN Telecommunication Regulators' Council Meeting Reaffirms Commitment to Intensify Cooperation in Telecommunication Regulation


The 3rd ASEAN Telecommunication Regulators' Council (ATRC) concluded its meeting this morning with a signed statement of intent to reaffirm their commitment to intensify cooperation in the field of telecommunication regulation ...

The 3rd ASEAN Telecommunication Regulators' Council (ATRC) concluded its meeting this morning with a signed statement of intent to reaffirm their commitment to intensify cooperation in the field of telecommunication regulation.

The ASEAN regulators agreed on the following five areas of cooperation:

1. to harmonise frequency spectrum allocation and use within the ASEAN region to enhance the mobility of and convenience to ASEAN users;

2. to harmonise type-approval standards and processes for telecommunication equipment to support efforts of ASEAN manufacturers and suppliers to sell their products in one anothers' markets and to enhance the range and availability of telecommunication equipment for consumers;

3. to intensify the cooperation on international issues by joint coordination of a common ASEAN position;

4. to promote the development, interconnectivity and interoperability of National Information Infrastructure (NIIs) in ASEAN countries; and

5. to develop human resource expertise to support ASEAN's growing telecommunication sectors.

One issue that was raised for discussion at the ATRC meeting was improving Intra-ASEAN cooperation and interconnectivity. Member countries reported progress in the implementation of the common ASEAN Frequency Bands for two-way paging, and the harmonisation of Alphanumeric Keypad Layout Standard. Surveys were initiated to standardise the procedures for numeric and alphanumeric paging input through telephone keypad, and a decision was taken to develop a common vision and framework for ASEAN broadband interconnectivity. To achieve cooperation in type approval of telecommunication terminal equipment and testing capabilities and to harmonise existing standards, the meeting agreed to work towards an MoU which would be signed at the next ATRC meeting.

Various international issues were also discussed during the meeting. Member countries recognised the need to reform the existing international settlement rate regime in a multilaterally context and agreed to work towards a common ASEAN position on the issue, if possible. The meeting also agreed to work towards a common ASEAN position for the 2nd World Telecommunication Policy Forum (WTPF) in March 1998, which will discuss the issue of telecommunications in trade as well as the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference in October 1998. To allow sharing and coordination of ideas, Singapore's proposals to set up preparatory committees for the two upcoming events were supported by the members. The meeting also agreed to make efforts to support common Asia-Pacific proposals for the upcoming ITU World Radiocommunication Conference in October this year.

The 3rd ATRC meeting, held from the 6-8 August 1997, was formally concluded with the election of Dr Kitti Yupho, Director General of the Posts and Telegraph Department, Thailand, as the new Chair of the ATRC. The 4th ATRC meeting will be hosted by Thailand in 1998.

Note to Editor:

The ATRC brings together the telecommunication regulatory authorities of the nine countries of ASEAN, which comprises of member countries Brunei, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.