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First Local Test Centre for Telecommunications Equipment - TAS and PSB Sign MOU to Serve the Telecommunications Industry


Local manufacturers and exporters of telecommunications equipment, like handphones, modems and pagers, need not send their products overseas for type approval testing in future. The Productivity and Standards Board ...

Local manufacturers and exporters of telecommunications equipment, like handphones, modems and pagers, need not send their products overseas for type approval testing in future. The Productivity and Standards Board (PSB) will be setting up a new centre which offers a wide range of testing services in three years' time. The new centre, the first in Southeast Asia, is dedicated to telecommunications/information technology product testing. It will be announced by Mr Lee Suan Hiang, Chief Executive of PSB, at the Telecom Type Approval Conference '97 on 1 Aug 1997.

Mr Lee said, "As the field of telecommunications undergoes rapid changes, manufacturers need to seize opportunities quickly. PSB hopes to help them improve their competitiveness by providing a wide range of services through the centre so that they can get their products out into the market quickly. The centre will also help to position Singapore as a telecommunications hub as it strengthens the infrastructure for the industry and promotes research and development in telecommunications."

Telecommunications equipment require 'type approval' before they can be connected to the public telecommunications network, i.e. before they can be sold in the market. Such an approval ensures that the equipment will not cause interference to the public telecommunications network or other electronic equipment.

Rapid Growth of Telecommunications Industry

The telecommunications industry is experiencing rapid growth worldwide, especially in Asia. In Singapore, business spending in telecommunications/IT amounted to $147 million in 1996, an increase of 48% from 1995. Export figures for 1996 show that Singapore's domestic export value for telecommunications products exceeded $4 billion, the fifth highest among all the exports.

There are now 16 major manufacturers of telecommunications equipment in Singapore. They include MNCs like Motorola and Hewlett Packard, and local players like Aztech and Goldtron Telecommunications. These manufacturers test their products in laboratories overseas, mainly in Europe and the United States, before these products are sold in overseas markets. For products meant for the Singapore market, type approval is done by the Telecommunication Authority of Singapore (TAS) - the body which approves the use of all new telecommunications equipment in Singapore.

TAS - PSB Collaboration

TAS and PSB recognise the mutual interests and benefits in fostering the development of the telecommunications industry. Both agencies have agreed to strengthen mutual cooperation and collaboration to better serve the industry today.

TAS and PSB will sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) at the conference. Under the MOU, TAS will support PSB as an authorised test centre, which will use TAS' type approval procedures. The MOU also covers collaboration between PSB and TAS in conformance testing, training of staff specialists, technology development and sharing of technical information. This move symbolises the synergy for TAS and PSB to collaborate to develop the local telecommunications industry.

Mr Leong Keng Thai, Director-General of TAS notes that, "The establishment of a telecommunications test centre will facilitate the export of Singapore manufactured telecommunications products to overseas markets. This is in line with TAS' promotional role to nurture a vibrant info-communications industry in Singapore. The MOU will put us in a better position to help our telecommunications industry do business in a vibrant and competitive global market place."

New Test Centre

The new test centre will be set up over the next three years with funds from the government. It will serve both the local and regional testing needs. To ascertain the quality, suitability and compatibility of new telecommunications products for use in the communication network, the proposed centre will support the testing of:

- analogue line products e.g. phones, modems, digital line products e.g. ISDN, multi-media radio, wireless products e.g. pagers, trunked radio digital cellular products e.g. GSM, PCN, CDMA, digital cordless products e.g. DECT

With the new centre, local telecommunications product companies will find it more convenient to test their new products. This translates to savings both in terms of time and money. It also means that manufacturers will be able to get their products into the overseas markets faster.

Telecom Type Approval Conference '97

The conference, jointly organised by PSB and the British Approvals Board for Telecommunications (BABT) and supported by TAS, aims to provide information on how to obtain type approvals in various countries, including Australia, Indonesia, Europe, the United States and Singapore.

This news release is issued jointly by TAS and PSB.

Background Note to the Editor:

Telecommunications products are usually regulated and tested in some or all of the following areas before they are allowed to be used in most countries: technical interface requirements, electromagnetic compatibility, product safety, and environmental and reliability. Currently, PSB has facilities to carry out all except testing for technical interface requirements.

Members of the media Can Contact:

Ms Ho Chow Pheng at 2793770 or Ms Kalaivani Ramu at 2793913 of PSB, if they are interested to attend the conference, Ms Dulcie Chan of TAS at tel: 3221999 or fax: 3230941, for information on TAS type approval