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TAS Liberalises Live Audiotex Services


With effect from 15 July 1997, audiotex service operators can apply to the Telecommunication Authority of Singapore (TAS) for a licence to operate live audiotex services. This is a result of TAS' move to further liberalise the industry to ...

With effect from 15 July 1997, audiotex service operators can apply to the Telecommunication Authority of Singapore (TAS) for a licence to operate live audiotex services. This is a result of TAS' move to further liberalise the industry to enable audiotex operators to provide a wider range of services.

Audiotex services enable a caller to receive chargeable information by dialing an 11-digit telephone number beginning with "1900". Currently, all audiotex programs are pre-recorded. The liberalisation of live audiotex services will enable callers to be connected to live operators who can provide expert advice on specific topics to the callers, e.g. service support for customers of computer software companies.

The live audiotex service providers are required to publish call rates in all their advertisements. Call rates must also be announced at the beginning of each call. Service providers who charge information fee based on per minute basis are required to announce the call duration to callers at regular intervals of 15 minutes or less. To reduce telephone network congestion, live audiotex service providers must also ensure sufficient number of call-in lines to cope with the number of attempted calls at any time.

The licence fee for live audiotex services is $200 for every three years. Application forms for live audiotex services are available at the TAS website ( and the TAS Type Approval Centre, TAS building, 35 Robinson Road, Singapore 068876. Interested applicants can also make enquiries at telephone numbers 3221914 / 3221856 or facsimile number 3231481 /3231482.