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Government IT Vendors Chambers of Commerce and IT Associations Collaborate on Singapore SME TV Programme


For the first time, the Singapore Government is joining hands with five IT vendor-sponsors and with the support of nine chambers of commerce and IT associations to produce and air a television series on how Small ...

For the first time, the Singapore Government is joining hands with five IT vendor-sponsors and with the support of nine chambers of commerce and IT associations to produce and air a television series on how Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) are applying Information Technology (IT) innovatively in their businesses.

The television series, called Singapore@Work, will also highlight the various industry and government initiatives targetted at helping SMEs improve the way they do business. By sharing some of the experiences of companies that have computerised and succeeded,the series hopes to help other SMEs realise the benefits of IT in levelling the playing field against multi-national corporations in Singapore and the world.

Singapore@Work will complement on-going efforts by the Government and industry to promote IT awareness and usage among SMEs. These efforts include:

a) Government incentive schemes such as the Local Enterprise Computerisation Programme, the Local Industry Upgrading Programme and the Local Enterprise Financing Scheme aimed at making the use of IT affordable for SMEs;

b) Awareness programmes such as Y2K aimed at helping SMEs understand and tackle IT issues like the millennium bug problem; and

c) The implementation of industry-wide IT projects such as ShopNet, BookNet and EDIMAN. These aim to improve operational efficiency through better supply chain management in the grocery, book and stationery and manufacturing trades respectively.

At the same time, industry-driven initiatives such as hire-purchase and service bureau schemes developed by IT vendors, will alsobe featured.

The television series will take a look at the computerisation experiences of SMEs in some of Singapore's business sectors. Details are currently being worked out, but the tentative areas that have been identified for coverage are: grocery and food, general retail, manufacturing and logistics, construction and engineering, books and printing, trading, leisure, and business services.

The television series is sponsored by the Economic Development, the Singapore Productivity and Standards Board as well as the National Computer Board, and IT vendors, namely Autodesk Asia, Hewlett-Packard Singapore, Microsoft Singapore, Singapore Telecommunications and Solomon Software.

It is supported by the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry, the Singapore Confederation of Industries, the Singapore Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry, the Singapore International Chamber of Commerce, the Singapore Malay Chamber of Commerce & Industry, the Association of Small and Medium Enterprises, the Association of IT Consultants, the Microcomputer Trade Association Singapore and the Singapore Federation of the Computer Industry.

The half-hour, weekly, eight-part series is slated to go on air in March next year, and will be shown on both the English and Mandarin television channels. The details are as follows:

English Broadcast (Channel 5) Mandarin Broadcast (Channel 8)
Date : 7 March 1998 to 25 April 1998 Date : 5 June 1998 to 24 July 1998
Day : Every Saturday Day : Every Friday
Time : 7:30pm to 8:00pm Time : 11:00pm to 11:30pm

The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Signing Ceremony was held at the NCB Auditorium, 71 Science Park Drive, NCB Building, Singapore 118253 this morning. The signatories comprised the chief executives, managing directors, chairmen and presidents of the 16 statutory boards, IT companies, chambers of commerce and IT associations involved in Singapore@Work. The event was witnessed by invited guests and members of the press.

In his address, Mr. Stephen Yeo, Chief Executive of the National Computer Board, said: " For many Singapore SMEs today, the question is not whether they can afford the use of IT. Rather, the real question is, can they afford not to have it and yet and survive in the highly competitive market?"

In his address, Mr Lee Suan Hiang, Chief Executive of the Singapore Productivity and Standards Board, said: "Under PSB's thrust in industry development, we help our enterprises to explore various growth strategies. These include business matching, economic groupings, operations upgrading and regionalisation. PSB plays a key role in helping SMEs to harness IT as an enabling tool to boost their productivity and enhance their competitiveness. Companies can use IT to manage and keep track of vital customer information. IT also allows faster access to current regional trends and developments. In short, IT can help companies to compete better in both the domestic and international markets. We hope that Singapore@Work will help to foster an IT culture among our SMEs by showing how SMEs are able to raise their productivity through IT".

The website for Singapore@Work is at

Important Note:

  • Singapore@Work is a working title which is subject to confirmation
  • Details regarding the programme contents is subject to change