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TAS today imposed a fine of $1,000 on Hutchison IntraPage Pte Ltd for its failure to work with telecommunication dealers on a non-discriminatory and non-exclusive basis in a recent World of Sports Promotion held from 19 June ...

Singapore, 22 September 1998 | For Immediate Release

TAS today imposed a fine of $1,000 on Hutchison IntraPage Pte Ltd for its failure to work with telecommunication dealers on a non-discriminatory and non-exclusive basis in a recent World of Sports Promotion held from 19 June 98 to 28 June 98.

Under the Public Radio Paging Services Licence granted to Hutchison IntraPage on 24 May 1995, the licensee is required to extend fair and equal treatment to all telecommunication dealers. Preferential treatment to its own subsidiary, related or associated companies dealing with telecommunication equipment is not allowed.

TAS has found that for the World of Sports Promotion, Hutchison tied up its promotion scheme exclusively with its subsidiary, Hi-Den Pte Ltd. Exclusive tie-ups between the service provider and the equipment dealers are not permitted because it is against TAS' policy of maintaining separation of service provision and terminal equipment provision. TAS takes a serious view of such exclusive tie-ups as it has a negative impact on the development of both the service provision and the terminal equipment markets, and also restricts consumers' choice in terms of terminal equipment as well as service providers. By this act of having exclusive tie-up with its subsidiary, Hutchison IntraPage has breached licence conditions of its Licence. Therefore, TAS has decided to exercise its power under Section 29 of the TAS Act1 to impose a fine of $1,000 on Hutchison IntraPage Pte Ltd.

Note to Editor:

1. Section 29 of the TAS Act provides that where a licensee has contravened the conditions of its licence, TAS shall have the power to cancel the licence or suspend the licence in whole or in part and/or require the payment of a fine in such amount as it thinks fit.