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Interconnect Agreement Signed By SingTel and StarHub


TAS is pleased to announce that the complete Interconnect Agreement, signed by SingTel and StarHub was submitted to TAS today. Following the main Interconnect Agreement which SingTel and StarHub submitted to TAS on 31 Mar 99, both companies have completed their discussions for the operational details relating to interconnection capacity requirements and provisioning...

TAS is pleased to announce that the complete Interconnect Agreement, signed by SingTel and StarHub was submitted to TAS today. Following the main Interconnect Agreement which SingTel and StarHub submitted to TAS on 31 Mar 99, both companies have completed their discussions for the operational details relating to interconnection capacity requirements and provisioning, inter-operator billing and settlement procedures, interworking test specifications and testing, as well as the leasing of Local Loop. These operational details have been included as annexes to the main Agreement.

TAS is pleased that both SingTel and StarHub have been able to reach agreement on interconnection matters between them. Efficient and effective interconnection between Singapore's two fixed network operators will enable consumers to enjoy transparent and seamless telecommunication services, regardless of which networks they are directly connected to. Consumers can all look forward to a wider range of services at more competitive prices when competition in our basic telecommunications market starts from 1 April 2000.