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TAS Liberalises Public Chain Payphone Services


TAS has, with immediate effect, liberalised the provision of chain payphone services in Singapore. With this liberalisation, chain payphone operators can enter the market and provide consumers with more choices and better ...

TAS has, with immediate effect, liberalised the provision of chain payphone services in Singapore. With this liberalisation, chain payphone operators can enter the market and provide consumers with more choices and better services. Companies wishing to offer chain payphone services will be class licensed under TAS' Public Chain Payphone Service Provider Licence.

Prior to this liberalisation, payphones in customer-owned premises can be provided by either the Public Basic Telecommunication Services (PBTS) operators or by the owners/tenants of the premises. However, with TAS' latest liberalisation move, companies can now install and operate their payphones in multiple customer premises with the approval of the building owners for the lease of the space. Such companies will be required to comply with the conditions of the Public Chain Payphone Service Provider Class Licence. This is to ensure a minimum quality of service (QOS) standard across their payphone services as well as any coverage and equal access obligations, which may be laid down by TAS from time to time.

Companies interested to register to offer the chain payphone service under TAS' Chain Payphone Class Licence can download the registration form and guidelines.