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It is with regret that the NCB announces that Suen Chun Kiat has terminated his scholarship with the NCB without serving a single day of his bond. Mr Suen was awarded an NCB Scholarship in 1995. He graduated ...

Singapore, 25 May 1999 | For Immediate Release

It is with regret that the NCB announces that Suen Chun Kiat has terminated his scholarship with the NCB without serving a single day of his bond.

Mr Suen was awarded an NCB Scholarship in 1995. He graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Cornell University in 1998. The NCB further supported Mr Suen's pursuit of a Master's degree in Computer Science at Stanford University. He was due to return and serve his bond upon completion of his Master's degree in September 1999 but has decided not to take up his position at the NCB for personal reasons.

The NCB had discussions with Mr Suen, asking him to fulfill his obligation. We regret that despite our efforts, Mr Suen has decided to pursue his own interests and break the bond.

He has returned his scholarship certificate and paid the NCB the liquidated damages. His name has been struck off the list of NCB scholars.