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ITU Endorses IDA Singapore's Virtual Learning Centre Proposal


Significant steps to move e-Learning have been taken with the International Telecommunication Union's(ITU)1 acceptance of the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore's (IDA) proposal to develop the Asia Pacific Centre of Excellence (ASP CoE) Virtual Learning Centre...

Significant steps to move e-Learning have been taken with the International Telecommunication Union's(ITU)1 acceptance of the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore's (IDA) proposal to develop the Asia Pacific Centre of Excellence (ASP CoE) Virtual Learning Centre. This Virtual Learning Centre will help support ITU's Centre of Excellence vision of developing telecommunications as a means to connect people and societies. In particular, it will help develop the tremendous human resource potential in the telecommunications field in Asia Pacific.

At the core of IDA Singapore's ASP CoE Virtual Learning Centre proposal is a multimedia web portal with individual capabilities including web-conferencing, e-learning, and online databases. The Virtual Learning Centre leverages on the Internet to enhance efficient distribution and dissemination of information resources and facilitate the sharing of expertise for ITU ASP CoE activities It also serves as a Learning Management System by delivering high quality training and development programmes to improve human capacity building in the telecommunications sector. Capitalising on Internet e-learning allows for costs savings, increased flexibility and enhanced learning effectiveness.

Some of the Virtual Learning Centre's key features include:

a) Online Virtual Learning Centre Interface: This allows each user to log into a personalised web space created dynamically, and return to their personal web space to access their own training objectives. This goes beyond mere material delivery to creating an interactive learning interface that links users, instructors and course materials together;

b) Collaborative Learning Tools: This includes e-mail, course calendars, discussion forums, on-line text and video libraries, web-based conference capabilities and interactive video-on-demand;

c) Distributed Learning Products and Content Related Services: This features multimedia tools, such as streaming media, to make the learning experience intuitive and effective. In addition, a wide range of digital video post-production, video streaming and hosting services will be made available.

Recognising that the industry plays an instrumental role in today's telecommunications environment, the ASP CoE Virtual Learning Centre is conceived as a collaborative effort by the IDA Singapore, the ITU, as well as private industry. For example, IDA has brought onboard strategic partners in the development of a pilot Virtual Learning Centre. The pilot site has been launched at www.e-llumine.net2, and is sponsored by IDA, Get IT multimedia3, PF Net4 and EnterAsia5.

"Human resources development is a key element in our global development strategy," said Mr Hamadoun Touré, Director of ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau. "This initiative brings one step forward our action plan in creating an environment in which knowledge and expertise on telecommunications and information communications will be more readily accessed and exchanged," he added.

"We are excited that IDA Singapore's proposal for the ASP CoE Virtual Learning Centre has been endorsed by the ITU," said Mr Leong Keng Thai, Deputy Chief Executive and Director-General (Telecoms) of IDA. "The project is timely, given the Internet's transformation of distance education - in forms such as tele-conferencing and computer based training. Imagine learning that can be delivered anywhere, anytime, and available to any student with just the use of a web browser. We're just beginning to realise the potential of e-learning and we're looking forward to working with the ITU in bringing the benefits of this project to member countries."


Notes to the Editor:

1 The International Telecommunication Union(ITU) is an international organisation within which governments and the private sector co-ordinate global telecom networks and services. More information can be found on their website at

2 is an e-learning environment focusing on the telecommunications, Internet and IT industries. The website is at

3 GetIT is a fully operational Singapore-based multimedia production house. It has been supporting companies like Cisco Systems in their regional e-Learning efforts, especially for their video-on-demand (VOD) components. GetIT is a unit of GetIT, Inc. of the USA. More information can be found on their website at

4 PF.Net is a US facilities-based provider of fiber-optic communications infrastructure to communications carriers, Internet service providers (ISPs), corporations with enterprise network needs and government entities. More information can be found on their website at

5 ENTERASIA is a Singapore-based Internet-Centric Learning Solution Provider. Powered by alliances with key platform vendors, ENTERASIA delivers content for enterprise-wide eLearning initiatives and industry-specific eKnowledge communities to/from Asia. More information can be found on their website at

About Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore

The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) is a dynamic organisation with an integrated perspective to developing, promoting and regulating info-communications in Singapore. In the fast-changing and converging spheres of telecommunications, information and media technologies, IDA will be the catalyst for change and growth in Singapore's evolution into a vibrant global info-communications technology centre. For more information, visit

For media clarifications, please contact:

Ms Dulcie CHAN
Manager, Corporate Communication
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
Tel: +65 211-1999
Fax: +65 211-2227

Ms CHIA Sher Ling
Manager, Corporate Communication
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
Tel: +65 211-1840
Fax: +65 211-2227