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Sitdrac Seminar on Understanding And Managing E-Commerce and E-Disputes


With the revolution of info-communications, it is important that businesses, as well as public and legal counsels understand the legal implications and potential disputes in the new global digital economy. Recognising these needs, the Singapore IT Dispute Resolution Advisory Committee (SITDRAC)1 will be...

With the revolution of info-communications, it is important that businesses, as well as public and legal counsels understand the legal implications and potential disputes in the new global digital economy. Recognising these needs, the Singapore IT Dispute Resolution Advisory Committee (SITDRAC)1 will be organising the 3rd Annual SITDRAC seminar on "Understanding and Managing E-Commerce and E-Disputes" at the City Hall Chambers on 8th September 2000. The seminar aims to help organisations understand the process and avenues for effective avoidance and resolution of e-disputes. Guest-of-Honour, Associate Professor Ho Peng Kee, Minister of State for Law and Home Affairs, will be delivering the opening address.

"Moving into the new knowledge-based economy, SITDRAC's new challenge is to educate the public on the legal implications of E-Commerce, potential disputes and various dispute resolution methods available for E-Commerce in the infocomm industry. Through this seminar, SITDRAC hopes to provide participants with insights into both Singapore and U.S. perspective of E-Commerce," said Mr William Liu, Chairman of SITDRAC and President and CEO of Abacus International Pte Ltd.

SITDRAC was set up in 1997 with the purpose of resolving IT disputes, by six agencies representing the IT vendors, users, Government and the legal industry to advise on issues, practices and matters relating to IT disputes. With the pervasiveness of infocomm technology, it also brings about new ways of conducting businesses, as well as possible potential new business e-disputes. In addition, the advent of E-Commerce also brings forth alternative methods of disputes resolution2, such as through the use of infocomm technologies, like video conferencing and e-mails for mediation, arbitration or facilitation.

Ms Yong Ying-I, Chief Executive Officer, Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) said, "IDA is working with various government agencies to position Singapore as a trusted global E-Commerce hub. To achieve this trusted environment, a comprehensive and up-to-date legal framework must be present in Singapore. We are pleased to note that the legal industry has taken steps to enable a predictable legal environment for E-Commerce transactions, thereby putting in place a trusted and complete legal framework for the E-Commerce environment. IDA, through SITDRAC will continue to work towards educating and increasing awareness of the legal implications of E-Commerce, potential disputes and alternative disputes resolution processes."

At the seminar, Mr Perry Pappas, a New York-based Partner of Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, will provide insights on E-Commerce from the U.S. perspective. In addition, Ms Seah Lye Khim, Deputy Director, E-Commerce Infrastructure, Online Development of IDA will be sharing on the E-Commerce development in Singapore.

Additional topics to be touched on during the seminar include:

  • Issues and liabilities that often give rise to disputes in E-Commerce transactions;
  • Challenges that Internet brings - the ethical and legal issues;
  • Consumer protections laws that are put in place; and
  • Available alternative dispute resolution processes.

(See Annex A for details on seminar programme)

Interested participants are welcome to contact Mrs Basrai from Singapore Information Technology Federation at telephone: 6775 1647 or e-mail to


Notes to Editor:

1 SITDRAC is an advisory committee under Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA), Singapore Mediation Centre (SMC) and Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC), and comprises representatives from the Singapore Information Technology Federation (SITF), Singapore Computer Society (SCS) and Information Technology Management Association (ITMA).

In 1996, the former National Computer Board, together with SITF, explored how IT disputes could be resolved in a non-confrontational way. This led to the formation of the Singapore IT Mediation Centre (SITMC), which was hosted by SIAC. In 1997, the SITMC merged with the SMC. The steering committee of SITMC was re-constituted as SITDRAC, and now serves as an advisory to both the SMC and SIAC. SITDRAC's other objective is also to monitor, formulate and educate IT users and providers on issues, practices, and other matters relating to IT disputes.

2 Alternative dispute resolution encompasses mediation, arbitration, facilitation and other ways of resolving disputes focused on effective communication and negotiation, rather than using adversarial processes such as the courtroom. Two basic types of alternative dispute resolution exist. There are non-binding methods, such as mediation, negotiation, or facilitation, which assist in reaching, but do not impose a resolution of the dispute. There are also more binding methods, such as arbitration or adjudication, in which a neutral decision-maker rule on the issues presented. There also exist combinations of these methods.

For media clarifications concerning this press release, please contact:

Ms Jennifer Toh
Assistant Manager, Corporate Communication
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
Tel: (65) 6211-0508
Fax: (65) 6211-2227

For clarification concerning the Singapore Mediation Centre, please contact:

Mr Loong Seng Oon
Deputy Director
Singapore Mediation Centre
Tel: 6332-4366
Fax: 6334-4940

For clarification concerning the Singapore International Arbitration Centre, please contact:

Mr Ang Yong Tong
Executive Director & Registrar
Singapore International Arbitration Centre
Tel: 6334-1277
Fax: 6334-2942

Annex A: The 3rd Annual SITDRAC Seminar

Understanding & Managing E-Commerce and E-Disputes 8 September 2000 (City Hall Chamber, Third Level)

Time Agenda



Welcome Address
Mr William Liu, Chairman, SITDRAC


Speech by Guest of Honour
Associate Professor Ho Peng Kee, Minister of State for Law and Home Affairs


E-commerce Development in Singapore
Ms Seah Lye Khim, Deputy Director, EC Infrastructure, Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore


Legal Implications of E-Commerce - A U.S. Perspective
Mr Perry Pappas, Partner, Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe (New York)


Tea Break


Legal Implications of E-Commerce - Singapore Perspective
(a) Managing a Web of Liabilities
Mr Tan Tee Jim, Senior Counsel, Partner, Messrs Allen & Glenhill
(b) Legal Issues of B2C eCommerce
Dr Toh See Kiat. Senior Partner, Tan Peng Chin & Partners; Chairman, CaseTrust Ltd


Dispute-Resolution of E-Commerce Cases
(a) Consensual Dispute Resolution in Cyberspace
Mr Phang Hsiao Chung, Executive Director, Singapore Mediation Centre and Assistant Registrar, Supreme Court, Singapore
(b) Resolving E-Commerce Disputes via Arbitration
Mr Ang Yong Tong, Executive Director & Registrar, Singapore International Arbitration Centre, Bilingual (English-Chinese)
arbitrator on SIAC Panel of Accredited Arbitrators


Questions & Answers


End of Programme