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Industry to Develop cBroadband Education Content for Schools in Singapore


More schools in Singapore will be able to integrate and deploy broadband content and solutions for teaching and learning. This is made possible through the FastTrack@School Programme of the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA). An additional S$2.3 million has been set aside for...

IDA spurs broadband usage with Adopt-A-School Initiative

More schools in Singapore will be able to integrate and deploy broadband content and solutions for teaching and learning. This is made possible through the FastTrack@School Programme of the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA). An additional S$2.3 million has been set aside for the Adopt-A-School project, one of the initiatives under the FastTrack@School Programme. The programme aims to encourage industry partners to jointly develop useful and relevant broadband education content with schools for teaching curriculum.

The FastTrack@School Programme1 is built upon the successful roll-out of the two-year FastTrack@School pilot. The FastTrack@School pilot was launched in September 1999, with the support of the Ministry of Education (MOE). A total of S$7.5 million was allocated under the pilot for broadband access at schools and home, as well as content on Singapore ONE or Adopt-A-School initiative. 27 schools were selected for the pilot. To date, 15 joint collaborations between schools and industry partners have been formed. In addition, 4,200 students and teachers have signed up for the special broadband access package for schools2; and a total of 27 schools have enhanced access to Singapore ONE. (See Annex A for list of 27 schools and industry partners under FastTrack@School and Annex B for citations from schools)

The Adopt-A-School initiative will allow additional 23 or more selected schools to participate in the FastTrack@School Programme. Industry partners are encouraged to take the lead in helping schools develop broadband education content and solutions for teaching and learning. The initiative will further enhance broadband access in schools and make available broadband education content and solutions in schools. (See Annex C for fact sheet on Adopt-A-School initiative)

"We are pleased with the initiatives offered by the FastTrack@School pilot, and have noted that some schools have benefited from working with the industry to explore the use of broadband for teaching and learning. We will continue to support IDA on the FastTrack@School Programme," said Mr Lek Kam Meng, Deputy Director, Educational Technology Division, MOE.

"We encourage the industry to take the lead to further expand on what has been done for the FastTrack@School pilot. With the new funding set aside for the Adopt-A-School initiative, we hope to see more schools coming onboard with the industry to work towards integrating broadband in teaching and learning," said Mr Khoong Hock Yun, Assistant Chief Executive, Infocomm Development, IDA.

In addition to the new funding for Adopt-A-School initiative, IDA has worked together with existing broadband access providers to develop a student package for all students and schools. IDA will continue to subsidise S$10 off the broadband access standard packages3 for student home access. This subsidy is part of the S$150 million package announced in April this year under Infocomm21 to jumpstart the development and growth of the Interactive Broadband Multimedia (IBBMM) industry.

Under the FastTrack@School programme, IDA aims to encourage the formation of education consortiums by the industry, so that integrated solutions for broadband in the education market can be developed.

"IDA is pleased to work with the industry towards aligning broadband services and solutions, so as to offer better integrated solutions to schools and to develop the capabilities of interactive broadband multimedia content and solutions for the local and international education community," added Mr Khoong.


Notes to Editor

2 For the special broadband access package, which ended in May 2000, IDA and broadband access provider (Singapore Telecom) subsidised S$10 each per student.

3 Broadband access standard packages are offered by the two local broadband access service providers in Singapore, which include Singapore Telecom and Singapore Cable Vision.

About FastTrack@School 1

The FastTrack@School pilot was launched in September 1999 with the objectives of making Singapore ONE relevant and useful to schools and to help get schools, teachers and students to use broadband for teaching and learning. The three initiatives of the pilot include the development of content on Singapore ONE or Adopt-A-School; upgrading of broadband access for schools; and subsidising broadband home access for students.

The successful roll-out of the pilot resulted in the development of a full fledge FastTrack@School Programme which encompasses the Adopt-A-School initiative; broadband home access student package available to all schools and students; and the formation of education consortiums to help build the capabilities of the education industry in the development of interactive broadband multimedia innovation, products and services. For more information, visit

About Singapore ONE

Singapore ONE was commercially launched in 1998. It comprises a broadband infrastructure that provides high-speed, interactive, and multimedia applications and services for users. Developed by both MNCs and innovative Singapore companies, Singapore ONE services are designed to appeal to users of all ages and occupations, as well as businesses.

Singapore ONE has the full support of the Singapore government, and is driven by the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore, the National Science & Technology Board, the Economic Development Board and the Singapore Broadcasting Authority. More information can be found at

About Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore

The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) is a dynamic organisation with an integrated perspective to developing, promoting and regulating info-communications in Singapore. In the fast-changing and converging spheres of telecommunications, information and media technologies, IDA will be the catalyst for change and growth in Singapore's evolution into a vibrant global info-communications technology centre. For more information, visit

For media clarifications, please contact:

Ms Jennifer Toh
Assistant Manager, Corporate Communication
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
Tel: (65) 6211-0508
Fax: (65) 6211-2227

Annex A: List of 27 Schools and Industry Partners under Fasttrack@School Programme

List of 27 schools:
1. Anderson Secondary
2. Bedok Town Secondary
3. Bukit Batok Secondary
4. Catholic High School Primary
5. Catholic High School Secondary
6. Chinese High Secondary
7. Crescent Girls' Secondary
8. Dunearn Secondary
9. Greenview Secondary
10. Hwa Chong Junior College
11. Raffles Girls' Secondary
12. Raffles' Institution
13. River Valley High
14. Rosyth Primary
15. Victoria Junior College
16. Woodlands Primary
17.Yishun Junior College

Schools under MOE's E4 Cluster
18. Bedok North Secondary
19. Bedok South Primary
20. Bedok South Secondary
21. Damai Primary
22. Damai Secondary
23. Min Xin Primary
24. St. Anthony's Canossian Primary
25. St. Anthony's Canossian Secondary
26. Temasek Secondary
27. Yu Neng Primary

List of FastTrack@School industry partners:

1. 3M Singapore Pte Ltd
2. Pte Ltd
3. CommonTown Pte Ltd
4. CyberTech Communications (S) Pte Ltd
5. Daiichi Media Pte Ltd
6. Double Click Pte Ltd
7. Ednovation Pte Ltd
8. Ltd
9. HorizonPlanetIQ Pte Ltd
10. HorizonEducom
11. HorizonbBand Pte Ltd
12. InQuisitive Mind Pte Ltd
13. iT21 (Singapore) Pte Ltd
14. Knowledge Connect Pte Ltd
15. Knowledge Village Pte Ltd
16. MediaManager Pte Ltd
17. Ngee Ann Polytechnic
18. National Library Board
19. Pte Ltd
20. Stratech Systems Ltd
21. Times Information Systems

Annex B: Citations from Schools on the Fasttrack@Sschool Pilot

"Broadband enables interactive content such as video lectures and virtual experiments to be delivered at a pace the learner has control over. Students do not need to jostle when the teachers are conducting tedious science experiments, especially those involving rare specimens that are only feasible to be shown once."

Mr Tan Chin Kee, Head of Department for IT, Rosyth School

"With a virtual lab, students will take ownership of their learning - it makes them think what the results mean, and link them back to the theory. They also feel more excited when they figure out the answers by themselves."

Ms Tan Aik Ling, Teacher, River Valley High School

"Language is a subject that requires proficiency in reading, listening, speaking and writing. The above four areas can be more effectively taught with the help of interactive broadband multimedia. Teaching becomes more interactive thus making learning more interesting."

Ms Teo Geok Hiok, Mother Tongue Teacher, Victoria Junior College

Annex C: Fact Sheet on Adopt-a-School Initiative

1. The Adopt-A-School project is an initiative within the FastTrack@School Programme and it will be driven by industry partners.

Desired outcome

2. Schools will benefit from working with industry to explore the use of broadband for teaching and learning.

3. Through Adopt-A-School, we hope that industry partners can enhance their product and service offerings and therefore develop the capabilities of Interactive Broadband Multimedia (IBBMM) content and solutions for local and international education community.

Proposals for Adopt-A-School

4. Industry partners are expected to help schools develop and provide a wide range of innovative services suitable for schools using IBBMM technologies. These partners will further assist the school to create or acquire the necessary content on Singapore ONE; develop tools and platforms for teachers and students; provide training for teachers and students to familiarise with the tools and the content; and to provide technical assistance to maintain and update the content for the teachers and students.

5. The industry will apply on behalf of the schools. IDA encourages multiple schools to work together with the industry. Industry partners are expected to come out with proposals that clearly state the strategies for schools adoption.

6. The proposal should also address solution for students to continue using the content from home. The solution therefore should include how students can work and submit their assignment from home. It should also address the solution for pervasive school broadband access to the content.

7. If needed, industry partners may be required to work closely with the school to look into the various pedagogical aspects in preparing and helping teachers and students for the new paradigm shift.

How IDA will Facilitate

8. IDA will consider the proposals together with the Ministry of Education (MOE). Potential areas for funding consideration include:
·  School Access to Singapore ONE where IDA is prepared to top-up the existing ATM link provided by MOE.
·  Broadband content and solution development, which include broadband content acquisition and training given to the schools.