Be aware of scammers impersonating as IMDA officers and report any suspicious calls to the police. Please note that IMDA officers will never call you nor request for your personal information. For scam-related advice, please call the Anti-Scam helpline at 1800-722-6688 or go to

Making a Call? Start with a '6'!


Starting this week, the public will be receiving reminders about the new 8-digit numbering format which was first announced in January. From 1 March 2002, callers in Singapore will have to add a '6' in front of all existing 7-digit local fixed-line telephone numbers and facsimile numbers... 

IDA Unveils Public Education Programme On Singapore's 8-Digit Numbering Format

Starting this week, the public will be receiving reminders about the new 8-digit numbering format which was first announced in January. From 1 March 2002, callers in Singapore will have to add a '6' in front of all existing 7-digit local fixed-line telephone numbers and facsimile numbers. To help the public make a smooth transition to the new numbering format, the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA), in co-ordination with the telecommunication service providers, has put in place a comprehensive Public Education Programme to generate awareness.

The public can look forward to receiving an information pamphlet in the mail this week. At the same time, they will also see advertisements on buses, Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) trains and stations, as well as in community and business publications.

Through these various channels where information is presented in English, Chinese, Malay and Tamil, the public will be reminded of the numbers that will be affected by the 8-digit numbering format and what they will have to do in preparation for the change. More importantly, the public will know where to direct their enquiries as the relevant contact details will be furnished.

Direct Mailer - October 2001

Every household in Singapore will receive a pamphlet in the mail in October. The pamphlet contains the salient points about the 8-digit numbering format and is a handy source of information which residents can keep for future reference.

Advertising Campaign - October 2001 - March 2002

To complement the direct mailer, an advertising campaign comprising buses, MRT trains and stations, print and radio - will similarly commence in October. The bus advertisements will make their way from the town areas and into residential areas such as Ang Mo Kio, Tampines, Jurong, Bukit Merah and Marine Parade. The MRT commuters will also get pertinent information on the 8-digit numbering format in the trains and stations.

In addition, the IDA will advertise in community and business publications to further reach out to the residential and business users. Closer to 1 March 2002, radio listeners tuning in during the morning and evening drive-time belts will receive reminders about the impending cutover to the 8-digit numbering format.

Briefing sessions to Stakeholder Groups - May-August 2001

To lay the foundation for the Public Education Programme, a series of briefings were held for government ministries and statutory boards, the grassroots community and trade associations. The objective of these briefings was to explain the background and key details about the 8-digit numbering format, so the groups would be equipped to prepare their various constituents for the change. SingTel and StarHub, Singapore's two main telecommunication service providers were also present at these briefings to address queries and concerns on how the new 8-digit numbering format will impact end-user services and equipment. Prior to each briefing, the groups received information packages sent by IDA, containing details on the preparation required for the new 8-digit numbering format.

Overseas community - 1st Quarter 2001

Apart from the local callers, the international community were also informed of Singapore's migration to the 8-digit numbering format. As early as the first quarter of this year, the IDA issued a bulletin via the International Telecommunication Union to inform its foreign regulatory counterparts and overseas operators that Singapore will be adopting an 8-digit numbering format come 1 March 2002. The advance notice has allowed these parties time to convey the information to callers in their countries and address their queries about making calls to Singapore. Foreign consulates based in Singapore were similarly notified via circulars sent by IDA.

"Technical preparations started more than two years ago and this was intensified by the setting up of a network implementation group involving the service providers. In terms of the technical implementation of the 8-digit numbering format, we are very prepared and are confident of a smooth cutover. We believe that this multi-prong Public Education Programme which reaches out to both the local and overseas communities will be instrumental in generating the necessary awareness and getting the public ready for the cutover on 1 March 2002", said Mr Lim Choon Sai, the IDA's Director of Technical Regulation.

For more information on the 8-digit numbering format, please refer to IDA's website at, and select "New Phone Numbering Format". Members of the public can contact their respective service providers or the IDA should they have any questions.

SingTel 1800-8-DIGITS (1800-8-344487)
StarHub 1800-STARHUB (1800-7827482)
IDA 1800-ADD-A-SIX (1800-2332749)
or email:


About Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore

The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) is a dynamic organisation with an integrated perspective to developing, promoting and regulating info-communications in Singapore. In the fast-changing and converging spheres of telecommunications, information and media technologies, IDA will be the catalyst for change and growth in Singapore's evolution into a vibrant global info-communications technology centre. For more information, please visit

For media clarification, please contact:

Ms Jennifer Toh
Assistant Manager, Corporate Communication
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
Tel: (65) 211-0508
Fax: (65) 211-2227

Questions on how the 8-digit numbering format would impact specific services should be directed at:

Mr Chia Boon Chong
Senior Manager, Corporate Communications
Tel: (65) 838-2022
Fax: (65) 733-1350

Ms Jeannie Ong
Senior Manager, Corporate Communications
Tel: (65) 825-5168
Fax: (65) 721-5015