Be aware of scammers impersonating as IMDA officers and report any suspicious calls to the police. Please note that IMDA officers will never call you nor request for your personal information. For scam-related advice, please call the Anti-Scam helpline at 1800-722-6688 or go to

Singapore Migrates to 8-Digit Numbering Plan in 2002


Fixed-line telephone numbers in Singapore will move to an 8-digit format on 1 March 2002, when all numbers will be prefixed with the digit '6'1.The migration to the 8-digit numbering plan has been advanced to 2002, from the originally-planned date of 2004....

Fixed-line telephone numbers in Singapore will move to an 8-digit format on 1 March 2002, when all numbers will be prefixed with the digit '6'1.The migration to the 8-digit numbering plan has been advanced to 2002, from the originally-planned date of 2004. Full telecommunication liberalisation in April 2000 has led to rapid growth of the market, resulting in increased demand for numbers. The implementation of the 8-digit numbering plan ensures that there will be a sufficient number resource pool to cater to the expanding range of telecommunication services and users2.

As the agency responsible for managing the country's National Numbering Plan, the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) has been working closely with the network and service providers, as well as equipment vendors, in preparing for this migration. Preparation work started as early as 1999, as an effective approach had to be worked out to implement the change-over to the 8-digit numbering plan with minimum service disruption and inconvenience to users. The public telecommunication service providers - SingTel and StarHub, will implement the 8-digit numbering plan and ensure smooth service continuity for their customers after the migration.

The 8-digit numbering plan will apply to all fixed-line telephone and fax numbers, but mobile and pager numbers with the leading digit '9' will not be affected3. All emergency numbers, such as 999 (Police) and 995 (Singapore Civil Defence Force) will also be unaffected. Numbers with leading digits '0' and '1' will similarly remain unchanged4.

The change-over to the 8-digit numbering plan will take place as follows:

Local Calls
1 March 2002 All 7-digit fixed-line telephone numbers will be prefixed with a '6'.
1 March 2002 - 31 March 2002

Parallel-run of 7 and 8-digit numbers, i.e. callers who dial the 7-digit numbers will still be connected.

1 April 2002 - 30 June 2002

Parallel run ends, only calls to the 8-digit numbers will be connected. Callers who dial the 7-digit numbers will hear a change number announcement, after which the calls will be disconnected. They will then have to re-dial by adding a '6' in front of the existing 7-digit number.

After 30 June 2002

Callers who dial the 7-digit numbers will be disconnected with a service-unavailable tone.

Overseas calls to Singapore
1 March 2002 - 31 August 2002 Parallel run of 7 and 8-digit numbers, i.e. callers who dial the 7-digit numbers will still be connected to Singapore.
1 September 2002 - 28 February 2003 Overseas callers who dial the 7-digit numbers will hear a change number announcement, after which the calls will be disconnected. They will then have to re-dial by adding a '6' in front of the 7-digit local number.

Confident of a smooth transition to the 8-digit format for all telecommunication users, Mr Leong Keng Thai, IDA's Director-General of Telecoms explains, "The IDA will work together with the operators to raise consumer awareness about this impending change in the numbering plan. This will be done through regular media updates or announcements made via public communication channels. We would like to see all telecommunication users being aware of this change before it comes into effect in 2002".


1 An 8-digit number will appear as 6-ABC-DEFG, where ABC-DEFG represents the existing 7-digit number.

2 The addition of an extra digit '6' will increase the numbering capacity by ten-fold to 60 million, which will provide the much needed capacity and flexibility to cater for future growth of the industry.

3 The 8-digit format for mobile and pager numbers took effect in September 1995, with the addition of the leading digit '9'.

4 Numbers with prefix '0' - IDD access codes, emergency call numbers
Numbers with prefix '1' - short access codes e.g. 1711


For media clarification, please contact:

Ms Chia Sher Ling
Manager, Corporate Communication
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
Tel : 6211-1840
Fax : 6211 2227