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Innovative Partnership to Build New Capabilities for the Infocomm Industry


To complement its Infocomm Training Framework1 Launched in June 2001, the Infocomm Training Framework comprises five levels of training programmes designed to cater to the different Infocomm skills needs of the various population segments, from home-makers and senior citizens, to the general workforce, to Infocomm professionals...

To complement its Infocomm Training Framework1 Launched in June 2001, the Infocomm Training Framework comprises five levels of training programmes designed to cater to the different Infocomm skills needs of the various population segments, from home-makers and senior citizens, to the general workforce, to Infocomm professionals, the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) today launched a new three-year, S$18m scheme to spur project-based capability development in key emerging technology areas. The Infocomm Training and Attachment Scheme or iTA, will support companies in building the capabilities of their Infocomm manpower in hot and emerging technology areas that are viewed as strategic to the industry. These may include Grid Computing, Next Generation Wireless LAN, Intelligent Web Services, Wireless LAN 802.11b, XML, Infocomm Security and Java.

The iTA scheme is tailored to meet the specific needs of fresh graduates as well as experienced Infocomm professionals. For fresh graduates who have difficulty finding employment in the current economic climate, this scheme presents training opportunities in critical Infocomm skills, which will open up new employment avenues. To the Infocomm professionals, the iTA scheme is a means of encouraging them to develop expertise in a new technology, thereby creating the gateway for them to explore a new domain.

A sponsoring company, usually a multinational corporation based in Singapore, will initiate the application process by seeking the IDA's support in developing the training programme. The sponsoring company is also responsible for identifying the relevant training organisation. The selection of trainees is a joint effort involving both the sponsoring company and the IDA. Fresh graduates, working professionals, or existing employees of the sponsoring company can apply to this programme. Interested individuals may either respond to the iTA recruitment advertisements or apply through the sponsoring company if they are existing employees. Only trainees selected for the overseas training will be required to fulfil a period of service that is twice the duration of the training period. This trainee may fulfil this period of service in the sponsoring organisation or a local company that the sponsor has identified as its industry partner. Through such an arrangement, the sponsoring company will benefit from the increased number of Infocomm professionals who are well-versed in their strategic or proprietary technology. This will ultimately help to proliferate that particular technology.

"This is another instance where we are charting new grounds in our partnership with the industry. This time, our focus is to develop and nurture capabilities of our Infocomm professionals in emerging technology areas through local and overseas training stints. And because the training is designed to be relevant to the needs of the industry, this means that Singapore will have a ready pool of trained Infocomm specialists in projected high-end technology areas to cater for future growth, "said Dr Kaizad Heerjee, Assistant Chief Executive of the Online Development Group at IDA.

"Sun is excited to be working with IDA on this scheme. Today, more than half of the world's developers use Java technology. The iTA initiative will arm more local talents with this technology. With this larger pool of resources that is skilled in Java, we can expect Singapore to export even more technologies and further strengthen its position as the Infocomm hub of the region," said Wong Heng Chew, Managing Director, Sun Microsystems, Singapore.

Said Mr See-Toh Hon Chew, MD and VP Operations, SESAMi, "Training is an important aspect in our human resource development effort, especially so in these difficult times. SESAMi is in the business of providing e-commerce and supply chain solutions. It is important that our consultants get the right training at a timely manner. As these training and project experiences are difficult to come by within Singapore, the iTA initiative is especially helpful to Singapore companies gearing to develop higher value- added skills."

For more details on the iTA scheme and the application procedures, please refer to the IDA website at  and select "Infocomm Training Schemes".


Notes to the Editor:

Scheme Structure:
Component A: Overseas Training and Attachment for Pre-Hires/Non-employees
Component B: Overseas Training and Attachment for Existing Employees
Component C: Local Training and Attachment for Pre-Hires/Non-employees or Existing Employees

Sponsoring companies may choose to participate in one or all of the components.

Each trainee will be eligible to a training grant which constitutes variable monthly allowances and supportable costs which includes airfare and baggage allowance. This is typically granted for 3 - 12 months of training at a local/overseas research institute, renowned technology university, corporate R&D centre, competency centre or the sponsoring company's headquarters or subsidiary.

1. Launched in June 2001, the Infocomm Training Framework comprises five levels of training programmes designed to cater to the different Infocomm skills needs of the various population segments, from home-makers and senior citizens, to the general workforce, to Infocomm professionals.

Eligibility Criteria for Trainees

a. Trainees should be Singaporeans or Permanent Residents who may be fresh graduates, working professionals, or existing employees of Singapore-registered companies.

b. Any qualified university and polytechnic graduates in the Infocomm disciplines who are interested in the sponsoring organisation's purpose-trained attachments are eligible to apply.

c. Only trainees selected to undergo overseas training will be required to serve Singapore-based companies upon their return. The period of service will be up to two times the duration of the training period.

Eligibility Criteria for Sponsoring Company

a. Open only to Singapore-registered companies. The scheme does not apply to companies engaged in human resource recruitment business.

b. The sponsoring company must not be a competitor of the training organisation selected to conduct the training. The training organisation can be a local/overseas research institute, renowned technology university, corporate R&D centre, competency centre, or the sponsoring organisation's headquarters/subsidiary.

c. The sponsoring company can send a maximum of six trainees for the overseas attachment. The sponsoring company must seek the consent of the IDA, if more trainees need to be sent or if they need to undergo repeated overseas attachments in the same training organisation.

About Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore

The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) is a dynamic organisation with an integrated perspective to developing, promoting and regulating info-communications in Singapore. In the fast-changing and converging spheres of telecommunications, information and media technologies, IDA will be the catalyst for change and growth in Singapore's evolution into a vibrant global info-communications technology centre. For more information, please visit

For media clarification, please contact:

Ms Chia Sher Ling
Manager, Corporate Communication
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
Tel: (65) 211-1840