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Important First Steps in Wireless Innovation


The wireless industry in Singapore is a step closer to becoming a living lab for wireless innovation. Speaking at the Wired With Wireless Seminar, the Chairman of the Infocomm Development Authority (IDA), Mr Lam Chuan Leong, announced ... 

Two New Initiatives and an Industry Partnership Announced to Spur Wireless Development

The wireless industry in Singapore is a step closer to becoming a living lab for wireless innovation. Speaking at the Wired With Wireless Seminar, the Chairman of the Infocomm Development Authority (IDA), Mr Lam Chuan Leong, announced the first initiatives under the Wired with Wireless Programme.

The two new initiatives, Pilot And Trial Hotspots (PATH) and Overseas Business Centres (OBC), aim to promote continuous wireless technology proliferation and the development of exportable products and services for Singapore-based companies.

Pilot And Trial Hotspots (PATH)

IDA has set aside an initial sum of $9 million for PATH to stimulate the development of innovative pilots and trials for wireless products and services in Singapore. PATH aims to position Singapore as a test bed of wireless activities, and to encourage Singapore-based companies to achieve world class excellence in wireless technology development. To this end, PATH will support the implementation of innovative pilots and trials by companies and organisations. It will be supported by co-sponsoring organisations that will eventually use the developed services.

In addition, IDA will periodically conduct a Call for Collaboration (CFC) exercise. This seeks to rally wireless industry players in proposing wireless pilots and trials to address specific applications or needs of a vertical sector. To kick off the series of CFCs, IDA has issued a call for proposals for projects essential to the enabling and development of mobile payment systems.

Overseas Business Centres (OBC)

Complementing PATH will be the Overseas Business Centres (OBC) initiative. It seeks to address the technology development and market access needs of the Singapore wireless industry by providing a platform for collaboration between Singapore-based companies and foreign technology players.

Under OBC, Singapore-based companies and their foreign technology partners can benefit through joint development in, two ways:

  • Singaporean companies can establish a market presence through increased direct access links with the corporate headquarters of wireless global players. It allows them to rapidly export their products and services to, and beyond the region by access to marketing channels, technology and roll out resources. And,
  • Foreign OBC partners stand to gain from the proliferation and adoption of their technology beyond its country of development.

The first partnership under OBC is already underway with Hewlett Packard Mobile e-Services Bazaar. The partnership involves the Tokyo site of HP Mobile e-Services Bazaar, given Japan's leadership in the development and adoption of mobile Internet services.

Mr. Lam explained, " With these two new initiatives, we look forward to expanding our growing pool of achievements in the wireless sector by encouraging more of our companies to develop, test-bed and implement innovative solutions."

"IDA is committed to encouraging more wireless trials and collaborations across the industry at both local and international levels, through the Wired With Wireless Programme," said Mr Khoong Hock Yun, Assistant Chief Executive for Infocomm Development at IDA, "Such vibrant industry partnerships will further boost Singapore's position as a living lab and business catalyst for wireless development in Asia."

Singapore has one of the world's highest mobile phone penetration rates at 63%, and its mobile services revenues from both voice and data services are expected to rise from US$725 million in 1999 to US$1 billion by 2004 according to Gartner Group. In view of the burgeoning wireless development, the Wired With Wireless programme was launched in October 2000 to capitalise on these developments and position Singapore as Asia's launch pad for wireless development.}

Held at Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel, the Wired With Wireless Seminar provided the platform for wireless industry players to meet and exchange views on the wireless developments in Singapore and the region.

A panel of distinguished speakers included Mr. Andrew Bolwell, Worldwide Director of Hewlett-Packard Mobile E-Services Bazaar; Mr. Bertrand Bidaud, Research Director of Telecommunications Worldwide, Gartner Asia Pacific; Mr. Andy Quak, CEO, Airgateway; and Mr. Mack Palom?ki, CEO, LohMac. About 250 participants attended the industry seminar.


About the Wired With Wireless Programme:

Initiated by the IDA with the aim to position Singapore as a living lab and business catalyst for wireless developments in Asia, the 'Wired With Wireless' programme promotes the development of mobile infrastructure, products and services. The three main areas of focus are location-based services, mobile commerce, and wireless multimedia.

The objective of the programme is to create a vibrant wireless industry and position Singapore as having the best integrated wireline and wireless infrastructure. This will be accomplished through seven strategic thrusts i.e. Thought leadership, Manpower Development, Market Access Development, Technology Development, Infrastructure & Service/Product Development, Industry Adoption and Consumer Adoption.

About the Call for Collaboration (CFC) for Mobile Payment Systems

The first CFC for Mobile Payment Systems seeks to accelerate the development of a vital enabling component of mobile commerce infrastructure, Mobile Payment Systems.

The implementation of an open, secure, and scalable mobile-payment solution requires a concerted effort of several parties. These include multiple mobile operators, multiple banks, hardware and software vendors.

IDA intends to promote such collaborative efforts across the industry with similar CFCs.

For more information, please visit

For media clarification, please contact:

Kelvin Lee
Manager, Corporate Communication
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
Phone:+65 6211 1726

Wong Mei-Hwan or Elliza Rahim or Yang Sook Chin
Edelman Public Relations
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