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Tooling Up the Web Services Framework


Imagine doing business without having to worry about the currency, billing or service support headaches that plague companies using IT applications. 

ASP Aggregator Model will Facilitate Communications and Integration of
Applications between Business Partners

Imagine doing business without having to worry about the currency, billing or service support headaches that plague companies using IT applications. Be it in applications that manage human resources, financial accounting or others - engaging an Application Service Provider Aggregator (ASPA) could be just be the solution. Three successful consortia have been awarded support in trials of their proposed ASPA solutions at the close of the ASPA Call For Collaboration (CFC) launched in Janaury. The consortia are led by Clear DataVoice Pte Ltd, Information Fusion Pte Ltd and Nexerve Co Ltd.

An Application Service Provider (ASP) deploys, hosts and manages access to applications from a centrally managed facility. Applications are delivered over networks on a subscription basis. The ASP Aggregator (ASPA) is a third party that operates a middle layer infrastructure that is able to integrate various applications hosted by different ASPs, and deliver such applications through a single conduit to customers. As the aggregator delivers a suit of solutions from various ASP partners, customers need only pick and choose from a menu of applications. No more worries about service support, as the ASPA provides a single point of sign-in, billing and service support to customers, and enables interoperability for information sharing and end-to-end integration across different applications.

The three consortia will work with a total of 17 Singapore-based ASP/ technology providers over a 12-month development period. The total value of the ASPA projects is at S$11 million, of which IDA will support up to S$2 million.

When completed, successful trials will have created the "enabling infrastructure" essential for the management of web services identified as the third thrust of the Web Services Industry Development Framework. First unveiled in October 2002, the other two thrusts are "Intellectual Capital" and "Living Lab".

The consortium led by Clear DataVoice Pte Ltd. has proposed a solution for the area of Property and Facilities management. The Information Fusion (iFusion) Consortium will be trialling a solution in Supply Chain Management, and the one led by Nexerve Asia will be looking at solutions in the manufacturing space.

Nexerve, a Korean aggregator and a subsidiary of LG CNS, is the first foreign-led consortia which has won a CFC award.

"The "do-it-alone" strategy is difficult in today's economic climate. It makes sense for ASP companies to come together and build common infrastructure through collaboration," said Mr Khoong Hock Yun, IDA's Assistant Chief Executive, Infocomm Development," Besides being able to share the developmental costs, it will also offer more options and a higher quality of service to user companies. This CFC is a testimony to our on-going efforts to position Singapore as a living lab for new innovations. "

The CFC aims to:

Create Enabling Infrastructure for Web Services Management
Integration between the ASP applications, ASP-to-legacy systems and ASP-ASPA infrastructure will be developed based on open standard XML Web Services. The ASPA CFC pilot projects will enable communication and integration of applications across company firewalls, with identified business partners. It will highlight and address industry-wide issues such as management of web services, interoperability, security, non-repudiation, network identity, and single sign-on.

Showcase ASPA and Web Services Solutions
By creating Intellectual Property in the ASPA infrastructure and XML Web Services, it will not only promote partnerships amongst the Infocomm cluster but will also provide case studies of technology innovation in these models.

Foster Collaboration in the ASP Cluster
The Infocomm cluster consists of the ASPs, technology providers and infrastructure providers who form a partnership to collectively achieve their respective business objectives. The clustering effect allows each player to offer complementary services that form a comprehensive solutions package that meets customers' IT needs. This is particularly important for smaller player which can leverage on the lead aggregator's market outreach, established track record and brand name.

"We are encouraged to see more innovations in ASP applications, products and services," commented Dr Thomas Ng, a member of the CFC evaluation committee and Managing Director of Venture TDF Pte Ltd, "Proposals presented by the lead aggregators show that a comprehensive range of innovative products and services can be viably developed and based here while catering to the needs of both local and overseas users. "

Descriptions of the trials, solutions being developed and confirmed end-users are available in Annex A.


About Calls for Collaboration and the ASPA CFC

Calls for Collaboration (CFC) encourage collaborative efforts between industry members in specific areas such as mobile commerce, location-based service, wireless multimedia and most recently, aggregation of ASPs. The IDA issues CFCs and co-funds the projects proposed by the industry that will have a marked impact on Singapore's infocomm sector.

The ASPA CFC was announced by Acting Minister (MITA) Mr David Lim on 22 January 2002 at the opening of the Singapore IT Federation's new office. At the close of the ASPA CFC on 19 April 2002, IDA received 25 consortium proposals. Three out of the 25 consortia proposals were selected for co-funding under the ASPA CFC project.

About Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore

The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA Singapore) is a dynamic organisation with an integrated perspective to developing, promoting and regulating info-communications in Singapore. In the fast-changing and converging spheres of telecommunications, information and media technologies, IDA Singapore will be the catalyst for change and growth in Singapore's evolution into a vibrant global info-communications technology centre. For more information, visit

For media clarifications, please contact:

Mr Kelvin Lee
IDA Singapore
Phone: +65 6211 1726/6211 1840

Ms Elliza Rahim / Ms Yang Sook Chin
Edelman Public Relations
Tel: +65 6733 1110 ext. 223/ 235
Fax: +65 6733 5550
Emails: /

Annex A: Short Description of the ASP Aggregator Consortia and their Projects

Lead Company Consortium Members Description
Clear DataVoice Pte Ltd OfficeA2Z (Singapore) Pte Ltd, SHC, JustLogin, abecha, i1 and BuildFolio This project aggregates Property and Facility Management Services. These services include accounting, e-procurement, e-office suite applications, human resource applications (including payroll and leave applications) for property owners. An example is Ascendas and their tenants.
Information Fusion Pte Ltd BizPoint 0 BizzEngine, Innosys, InchOne and i-STT This consortium will focus on Supply Chain Management (SCM) related applications that target the logistics sectors in manufacturing and retail.
Nexerve/LG CNS Samsung SDS, ASP Centre and SingTel EXPAN By aggregating Oracle's e-business and BizEntro's ERP solutions, this consortium aims to provide a comprehensive ASP solution for companies in the manufacturing space. This pilot will also develop an Asian 'pure-play' ASP Aggregation platform, serving primarily customers with factories in ASEAN region.

Media Contact for Clear DataVoice Pte Ltd
Sherlyn Hi
Business Development Manager
+(65) 6774 9671

Media contact for Information Fusion Pte Ltd
Roger Koh
Senior VP, Corporate Development
+(65) 6872 2237

Media contact for NEXERVE Asia Co Ltd
Brillian Chae
+(822) 3771 2701

Annex B: Comments from the Appointed Consortia and their Users:

Clear DataVoice Consortium (Mr Tan Juay Hiang, Director, Clear DataVoice Pte Ltd)
"The real estate industry is extending beyond just providing physical space. Connectivity, e-infrastructure and value added services are increasingly a standard requirement in the real estate. The CDV Consortium will enable various infocomm players to pool our strengths together to address the needs of the property management companies, developers, property owners and other community owners. Through the ASAPxChange, the consortium will deliver many value added services for customers promising the ease of use and personalization." 

Information Fusion Consortium (Mr Chris Yeo, Founder & CEO, Information Fusion Pte Ltd)
"iFusion consortium's primary objective is to improve customer operational efficiencies and rapid time-to-market while reducing costs for businesses. The ability to achieve cost efficiencies in managing demand-supply chain processes is a compelling proposition in the current downturn. The CFC enables to us to potentially expand our reach into Korea, Japan, Australia, China, Taiwan, Thailand and Malaysia by leveraging on our members' presences in these countries and cross sell end-to-end solutions." 

Nexerve Asia Consortium (Mr Brian Oh, President, NEXERVE Co., Ltd)
"We are delighted at being selected for this CFC on our very first venture beyond Korea. As an aggregator that reaches out to the Asia Pacific region, we hope to extend the reach of our partners to these countries as well. This will increase their customer base as part of the aggregated services tapping on our consortium's expertise and recognised name." 

Nexerve Asia Consortium's User (Mr Kim Chung Ji, President, EsTec VINA)
"The solution from Nexerve creates greater flexibility for EsTec Vina to cope with smaller batch runs and frequent specification changes. In addition, the aggregation platform gives us the potential to share key information such as operational capacity, inventory levels, sales and delivery forecasts with our strategic partners and principals. Collectively, this means an opportunity to improve profit margins by enabling us to respond to changes faster and better."