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SURF'S UP for 10,000 Singaporeans at the nation's Largest Mass IT Training Event


10,000 Singaporeans took a dive into the world wide web today at the Great Singapore Surf, the country's largest ever mass IT training event... 

10,000 Singaporeans took a dive into the world wide web today at the Great Singapore Surf, the country's largest ever mass IT training event. Organised by the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA), this inaugural event is being held at the Nanyang Polytechnic from 30 August to 1 September 2002 to teach participants basic computing and Internet skills required to navigate the web.

The Great Singapore Surf marks the start of the Infocomm Literacy Month, which takes place between 30 August to 30 September 2002. This month long event highlights the importance of infocomm literacy and lifelong learning. It also celebrates the first anniversary of the National IT Literacy Programme (NITLP), a nation-wide initiative which has educated some 100,000 Singaporeans to become adept users of infocomm appliances and services.

Participants at the Great Singapore Surf will learn how to operate a personal computer, communicate, transact and find entertainment content using the Internet. To commemorate this event, IDA will be offering NITLP at a special price of $7 per participant for seven hours of training. The IDA aims to train 15,000 people during the Great Singapore Surf and through an island-wide promotion for NITLP at select Authorised Training Centres during the Infocomm Literacy Month.

Ms Pam Hu, Director of e-Lifestyle Marketing, Online Development, IDA, said, "Armed with basic Infocomm skills, everyone can enjoy and benefit from the dazzling variety of information and services on the Internet. You can upgrade yourself by acquiring new skills and knowledge at your own pace. Infocomm literacy also ensures that you have the right skills to stay employable in a competitive marketplace."

More people have realised the importance of equipping themselves with basic Infocomm know-how. An IDA survey revealed that 56 percent of Singaporeans are Infocomm-literate1. Another survey showed that NITLP attendees have increased their Internet usage especially for downloading activities, Internet Relay Chats (IRC) and online shopping2.

To support the Great Singapore Surf, Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP) has opened its computer training labs with 2,500 Internet-enabled PCs for the event. In addition, some 1,000 students will act as guides to participants. Mr Edward Ho, Deputy Principal/Technology of NYP said, "Nanyang Polytechnic has joined hands with IDA for the Great Singapore Surf because we are committed to building up and enhancing the capabilities of our workforce. Our facilities and technology applications will encourage everyone to experience an e-lifestyle. I am glad that our students are able to offer their service at this event to guide the community through every step of their learning process to discover their true potential."

IDA's Authorised Training Centres for NITLP comprising government agencies, community organisations and commercial training schools have played a key role in the success of the programme. To acknowledge and commend the efforts of these training centres, IDA is presenting the Top ATC Award to the following Authorised Training Centres for their outstanding performance: the Chinese Development Assistance Council (CDAC), Cyberland, National Library Board, People's Association and Singapore Indian Development Association (SINDA).

To showcase the e-lifestyle to the public, an IT Family Fair is being held during the Great Singapore Surf with activities to encourage people to experience the benefits of living an e-lifestyle. These activities include e-games, taking digital photos, getting health tips online, e-shopping, buying discounted travel packages online and joining e-communities for instant messaging.

Besides the Great Singapore Surf, an island-wide training programme will also be held throughout the Infocomm Literacy Month. NITLP training will be available through 13 Authorised Training Centres.

The Infocomm Literacy Month is part of the e-Celebrations Singapore campaign, Asia's most extensive e-lifestyle campaign to shape infocomm adoption for learning, work and leisure.

For further information on NITLP, the public can call the hotline 1800-211-2133 during office hours or refer to the website


Notes to Editior :

1. Infocomm Literacy Survey 2001
2. NITLP Trainee Satisfaction Survey 2002.


The National IT Literacy Programme (NITLP) is a nation-wide initiative spearheaded by the Ministry of Manpower and IDA. This programme aims to train 350,000 Singaporeans in three years (2001 - 2004) to become adept users of infocomm appliances and services. Targeted at workers, homemakers and senior citizens, the programme will equip trainees with basic computing and Internet skills that will improve their quality of life and enhance the workers' employability.

About Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore

The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) is a dynamic organisation with an integrated perspective to developing, promoting and regulating info-communications in Singapore. In the fast-changing and converging spheres of telecommunications, information and media technologies, IDA will be the catalyst for change and growth in Singapore's evolution into a vibrant global info-communications technology centre. For more information, please visit

For media clarification, please contact:

Ms Chia Sher Ling
Manager, Corporate Communication
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
Tel: +65 211 140
Fax: +65 211 2227

Cheryl Tan / Gabriel Wong
Edelman Public Relations Worldwide
Phone: (65) 6733 1110