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IDA's Connecting the Home CFC Develops 35 New Solutions Ahead of Schedule


35 new solutions have been developed through the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore's(IDA) Connecting the Home Call for Collaboration(CFC), ahead of the trial's conclusion scheduled for mid 2004. They also exceed the CFC target of developing 30 solutions... 

35 new solutions have been developed through the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore's(IDA) Connecting the Home Call for Collaboration(CFC), ahead of the trial's conclusion scheduled for mid 2004. They also exceed the CFC target of developing 30 solutions. Over 400 households have signed up to try out some of these solutions developed by the consortia in the CFC. Two consortia have also commercialised some of their product offerings which will be deployed in new condominiums. Seven companies out of the four consortia expect to generate some S$30 million in infocomm revenue through the sale of their solutions by 2006. There are a total of 26 companies in the four consortia. The trial has also created 70 new jobs mainly in the area of solutions development, exceeding its target of 40.

These are some of the interim results of IDA's Connecting the Home CFC highlighted by IDA's Assistant Chief Executive, Industry Group, Mr Khoong Hock Yun. He said, "The successful development of the 35 solutions ahead of the trial schedule demonstrates the value of collaboration between industry players through our 'call for collaboration' or CFC process. The CFC brings together different players on a neutral and common platform to offer end-to-end or integrated products and services to the consumers. It jumpstarts the commercialisation process and shortens time-to-market."

The 35 solutions, developed by the four consortia, namely UniHome Consortium(led by Universal Gateway International(UGi)), MyStarHome Consortium(led by LG CNS), HomeGenesis Consortium(led by Airgateway) and World@Home Consortium(led by National Computer Systems) range from data communications, home entertainment, as well as automation, control and security. (Please refer to Annex on Solutions List). These solutions are designed to offer consumers greater convenience; ease of use and improve quality of life because of its' approach.

The solutions aim to provide consumers a connected, end-to-end lifestyle with compelling integrated applications which were not readily available in the market before the Connecting the Home CFC. The Connecting the Home CFC addresses the lack of an integrated solution in the present market which offers standalone and disparate solutions.

Other Spin-Offs

Two out of four consortia have already commercialised part of their solutions ahead of the trial's completion. UniHome is looking at deploying solutions for residents at The Water Place Condominium. UniHome brings the 'UniHome Portal', 'UniSecure home surveillance' and 'UniGateway' integrated home automation system, bundled with 'Pronto Neo', a Philips connected homes universal controller, to the Water Place Condominum. Another solution, a customized version of UniSecure home surveillance system, will also be made available by end 2003.

NCS, the lead company of World@Home Consortium has also introduced an MMS visitor alert to The Pier Condominium. NCS is also looking at exporting their solutions to property developers in China by 2004.

For HomeGenesis, the solutions to be rolled-out in the second quarter of 2004, will include the security/surveillance package, along with the standard broadband and wireless connectivity provided by the Portus DIAS, a residential gateway. Recognising the high-growth potential of the Connected Homes market, the CFC has also attracted foreign investments of some S$5 million through LG CNS, Portus and UGi.

Cahners-In-Stat group has projected the worldwide home networking market to grow from US$1.8 billion in 2002 to US$5.3 billion in 2007, and the residential gateway market to increase from US$125 million in 2001 to over US$5 billion in 2006. For the US Home Automation market, Allied Business Intelligence expects it to grow to more than US$3.17 billion by 2007.


About Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore

The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) is a dynamic organisation with an integrated perspective to developing, promoting and regulating info-communications in Singapore. In the fast-changing and converging spheres of telecommunications, information and media technologies, IDA will be the catalyst for change and growth in Singapore's evolution into a vibrant global info-communications technology centre. For more information, visit

For media clarification, please contact:

Ms Wong Yin Mei / Ms Ho Hwei Ling
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
DID : 6211-1724 / 1996
Fax : 6211-2227
Email: /

Notes to Editor:

About the Connecting the Home CFC Consortia

HomeGenesis Consortia
Lead Company: AirGateway Pte Ltd
Members: CapitaLand Residential Limited, Portus Singapore Pte Ltd, Beyond Online Limited

PR Contact:
Mr Tony Chew
DID : 6446-7288

MyStarHome Consortia
Lead Company: LG CNS Singapore Pte Ltd
Members: Cyber Business Network Pte Ltd, InfoTalk Technology (S) Pte Ltd, StarHub Pte Ltd, LG Electronics Co Ltd, Pte Ltd

PR Contact:
Mr Sonny Lee
DID : 6235-2700

UniHome Consortia
Lead Company: Universal Gateway International Pte Ltd
Members: Philips Electronics Singapore Pte Ltd, MediaCorp Technologies Pte Ltd, SP Telecommunications Pte Ltd, 1-Net Singapore Pte Ltd, RealNetworks Singapore Pte Ltd, Billing Xchange Singapore Pte Ltd, BluEngine Holdings Pte Ltd, Pte Ltd, Ufinity Pte Ltd

PR Contact:
Mr Jong Hee Sen
DID : 6840-3898
Tel : 6327-1110
Fax : 6327-1400

World@Home Consortia
Lead Company: National Computer Systems Pte Ltd
Members: The Ascott Group Limited, NCS Communications Engineering Pte Ltd, Samsung Asia Pte Ltd, MediaCorp Technologies Pte Ltd, Network for Electronic Transfers (S) Pte Ltd

PR Contact:
Ms Alice Chan
DID : 6556-5669


"The HomeGenesis program sets the foundation for the delivery of multiple services to the modern home over broadband. With a key focus on providing a high reliability battery-backed platform for multiple access integrating ADSL, Bluetooth, 802.11x, and PLC technologies, services providers can now provide various existing or new services through this single channel. Together with all the efforts of our consortium members and users, we are confident in our plans to showcase this project throughout the region. Currently, many service providers in the region are already expressing interest in launching such solutions in their respective markets."

Mr Tony Chew, CEO of AirGateway Pte Ltd
and representative of HomeGenesis Consortium

"This Connecting the Home CFC represents one of the most important and challenging undertakings of LG CNS in this region. As the consortium lead, LG CNS has successfully brought together a selection of new and exciting technologies to usher in a new e-lifestyle via MyStarHome. Since the beginning of the trial, we have been receiving excellent feedback from our trial users, who are thrilled with the experience. We are on track in our plans to market this integrated home-networking system internationally."

Mr. Sonny Lee, General Manager, LG CNS Singapore Pte Ltd
and representative of MyStarHome Consortium

"The Connecting the Home CFC provided the impetus for the bold collaboration among diverse companies that accelerated products development. Through the home trial deployment and users feedback, we were then able to commercialise a number of the products with confidence."

Dr. Jong Hee Sen, Executive Director, Universal Gateway International Pte Ltd
and representative of the UniHome Consortium

"The World@Home consortium successfully rolled out the trial solutions under IDA's Connecting the Home CFC to 30 residential units in two of Ascott Group's properties. With our extensive experience in mobile technologies and smart home services and combining the latest innovations from consortium members, we have put together an integrated lifestyle solution. This lifestyle solution embraces four key elements - security, infotainment, home automation and wireless connectivity; that are extremely relevant in our busy lifestyle. We aspire to enhance the quality of life of individuals and families in a cosmopolitan city like Singapore through the World@Home services."

Mr Ng See Sing, General Manager of NCS Communications Engineering
and representative of the World@Home Consortium


Overview of 35 Solutions Developed
HomeGenesis Consortia

Solutions Developed:
1. Portus DIAS
An advanced OSGi services gateway providing an ADSL broadband interface, wireless LAN, Bluetooth (Class 1, 100m range), and Powerline communication, all in a single integrated appliance supporting the delivery of multiple services. Easy installation - one box for everything.

2. Home Control & Automation Module
Real time local or remote control of lighting and appliances. Services include on-demand MMS enabled video alerts pulled from security camera as and when required, turning on/off lights, air con, etc via mobile or Internet.

3. Utility Monitoring & Metering Module
Real time meter reading for both electricity and gas meters, without wires. Reduce energy bills through selective load shedding.

4. Security Module
Home security without the need for a separate system - can interface with central monitoring station if required.

5. Surveillance Module
Wireless MPEG4 video cameras make installation a breeze and give the highest quality view of your home. Useful for homeowners who may want to monitor kids alone at home. Security module could be added seamlessly.

6. Wireless Control Tablet
Wireless web pad to PC or PDA which may be used to surf the web or control the HomeGenesis system.

7. HomeGenesis Portal
Consists of premium high quality broadband content for entertainment, education and sports while serving as a community portal for linking local residential community through billboards, special interest groups, and chat lines.

How the Solutions Work:
Mainly through an advanced open-platform services gateway, Portus DIAS, that incorporates a web server to allow secure web-based control of the home. Remote access to view or control the home is also possible through login via the HomeGenesis website. Any information appliance, from wireless web pad to PC to PDA may be used to surf the web or control the HomeGenesis system. Mobile access and notification of security alerts, including MMS enabled video alerts, is provided through AirGateway's mobile messaging technologies.

MyStarHome Consortia

Solutions Developed:
1. Power Line Home Automation
Provides an advanced gateway to enable connectivity through Power Line Communication (PLC). Simple and easy to set up with various devices. Integration to MyStarHome portal expands the remote access facilities that it promotes.

2. Home Security
Incorporating security and surveillance devices, minimum hassle is required to set up a home security system with live monitoring services. State-of-the-art tracking system allows flexibility of control over surveillance functions, even from a remote location.

3. Internet Appliances
Designed with cutting-edge technology, Internet Appliances represent a new generation of connectivity. Sleek devices, coupled with user friendly control menus, they provide the home with an enhanced monitoring and access system for electrical appliances.

4. MyStarHome Portal
A dedicated portal that allows homeowners to access their appliances and security system online. Appliances can be configured with ease to work with the portal, providing users with a point-and-click interface.

5. Family Information System
Entails that retrieval of individual profiles of family members online and linking them to a community of similar users through a series of online activities and information provision. Includes enhanced features: online messaging, memo systems and SMS functions.

6. Home Entertainment
Features premium quality content which caters to a wide language base. Various entertainment channels for the whole family are available through quality broadband streaming media, video on demand.

7. Home Voice Portal
An additional layer of convenience, together with the MyStarHome portal, the Home Voice Portal connects users to their devices at home. The Home Voice Portal also provides various contents through its generous selection of information retrieval services through the phone.

How the Solutions Work:
Integrates various technologies such as voice recognition and powerline to bring consumers the convenience of home networking. There are three key components to the MyStarHome solutions, namely Data & Communication, Automation & Control and Contents. The solutions can be accessed by consumers either locally or remotely via the 'Family Portal' or 'Home Voice Portal'. With voice recognition technology, consumers can now simply call home to have secured control and access to devices.

UniHome Consortia

Solutions Developed:
1. The Home Gateway/Server
Connects the data, entertainment, home automation and security networks and devices to each other, and to and from the internet world. It creates an affordable solution to easily integrate diverse networks and devices.

2. The Home Portal
Provides a platform for services and content aggregation. Users enjoy a convenient and secured single access point to connected home related services and also to access and control devices at home. The portal provides many aggregation tools, e.g., webservices, single-sign-on, payment gateway, messaging gateways, etc., to link up third party service providers. For the CFC, the UniHome trial users enjoyed services like video-on-demand, elearning, SOHO tools, community services from many service providers via the home portal.

3. A PC Camera Surveillance and Security Service
Users can monitor their homes anywhere in the world via broadband or dialup Internet access. Motion or noise detection can trigger recording and intrusion notification via SMS. Through trial users' feedback, an improved version with additional on-demand viewing via hand phone featured will be deployed.

4. The Philips Streamium MC-i200
The world's first broadband Internet micro hi-fi system offers instant access to multiple online music services right at your fingertips. The system allows you to play music files store on your homePCs while immersing in the audio quality from its powerful speakers.

5. iPronto
The iPronto enables you to manage your digital home and lifestyle through an all integrated, always on, convenient and intuitively simple interface. From any part of your house, with one touch, access your entertainment devices or find out what program you want to watch or go to a website to instantly access the information you are looking for.

6. Digital Multi-Media Receiver
A WiFi enabled audio-video streaming device which allows JPEG/MP3/MPEG-1 contents from the home computer streamed anywhere in the house where it can be displayed in a conventional TV.

7. TVtoTV link
Contents from the DVD or VCR which normally would be located in the living room can now be streamed wirelessly to any other room. For example, the user can stream the DVD movie he is watching in the Living Room to the Bedroom.

8. DVD/HDD device
Provides the flexibility of freezing terrestrial broadcast at any time as it enables time-shifting TV viewing.

9. DesXcape, Detachable Monitor
Enables the PC to be used anywhere in the home through wireless network.

10. VideoCast
VideoCast is a new digital service that deploys IP technology to stream content as well as to transfer files onto the PC over the terrestrial platform. This delivery platform is robust and is not subject to network latency commonly found in conventional IP delivery (cable or DSL) platforms. For this CFC, we have bundled video streaming of movie trailers, local dramas and sitcoms as well as electronic newspaper (TODAY), catalogues, magazines to be downloaded to the trial user's PC.

11. Digital TV Services
These are digitised versions of the current analogue TV channels (Ch 5, Ch 8 and Channel NewsAsia). Digital TV brings sharper pictures and crisper sound to the viewers. The robustness of the digital signals helps to eliminate multipath distortions (e.g ghosting or double image effect)found in analogue transmission thus allowing better indoor and mobile reception.

How the Solutions Work :
The main focus of the UniHome consortium is to develop and deploy desirable, affordable, modular yet integrated connected home services and devices that are easy to deploy in all types of homes.

World@Home Consortia

Solutions Developed :
1. MMS Surveillance
With web cameras placed at the entrance of the trial apartments, residents can receive images of their visitors instantaneously via their home pads or mobile phones whenever visitors press their doorbells.

2. Video Surveillance
Web cameras installed at the playground of Somerset Grand Cairnhill and the main lobby of Somerset Liang Court enable the trial users to monitor their kids playing and check out identities of visitors via the home pads in their apartments.

3. Connectivity and Communications
Trial users can also communicate with other participants of the trial through video conferencing technology and video messages using the home pads that are equipped with built-in camera and microphone.

4. Wireless Internet Access
With wireless technology at home, trial users can access the Internet for work and leisure purposes with their notebooks. The trial users can also make use of their touch screen home pads to surf the Internet.

5. Digital Video Recorder (DVR) Control
The residential gateway enables convenient control of the DVR via SMS/homepad using infrared interface.

6. Aircon Control
The residential gateway enables convenient control of the air conditioner via the powerline communication(PLC).

7. Interactive TV
Trial users can enjoy an entirely new type of broadcasting technology - digital video broadcasting (DVB). Trial users can experience Interactive TV. Digital 5, 8 and Channel News Asia carry the same programming lineup as analogue channels but in better, sharper pictures and crisper audio. Enhanced versions of The Amazing Race, Survivor, Brothers 4 and Friends have been broadcasted. In each of these enhanced versions, trial users are able to 'interact' with the programme.

8. Interactive TV Advertisements
Since the beginning of the trial, several Interactive TV Advertisements have been aired. Trial users can interact with these commercials instead of viewing them passively. They can choose to obtain more information about the product and participate in quizzes and contests.

9. Interactive TV Virtual Channels
Virtual channels are also offered in this service. These include news, weather, Electronic Programme Guide (EPG) and food guide.

10. T-commerce
The T-commerce shopping and payment experience opens up a new purchasing lifestyle for the trial users. With this service, they can purchase from the participating merchants simply by using eNETS via Credit Card, CashCard and VCard (stored-value "virtual" card).

How the Solutions Work:
The World@Home consortium has successfully implemented its 'IDA Connecting the Home Call for Collaboration(CFC)' trial solutions. Thirty households from two of The Ascott Group's properties, Somerset Grand Cairnhill and Somerset Liang Court, are now piloting a high-tech mobile lifestyle where a variety of smart services is easily and readily accessible. Led by National Computer Systems Pte Ltd(NCS), the other members of this consortium are The Ascott Group, MediaCorp Technologies, NCS Communications Engineering, Network for Electronic Transfers(NETS) and Samsung Electronics. Mobile technology, wireless deployment, digital video broadcasting and T-commerce are the four main technologies put into trial by the consortium. These technologies drive the new applications that embrace five elements of an integrated lifestyle - connectivity, security, communication, control and infotainment.