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IDA Offers More Freedom for Operators to Choose Mobile Number Levels


To further boost Singapore's liberalised infocomm market status, the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) has now given mobile operators more freedom to bid for the number levels they wish to acquire under a ... 

Modified Mobile Numbers Allocation Procedure Offers Efficiency, Objectivity & Transparency

To further boost Singapore's liberalised infocomm market status, the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) has now given mobile operators more freedom to bid for the number levels they wish to acquire under a modified mobile number allocation procedure. This revised allocation procedure improves the efficiency, objectivity and transparency in managing Singapore's national number resource. IDA previously allocated mobile number levels in sequential order to operators on a first-come-first-served basis.

With the modified allocation procedure, operators will acquire new number levels that they or their subscribers desire. As such, the operators may be more motivated to manage their numbers in an efficient manner. Further, the revised procedure allows the market, not IDA, to determine which numbers are special or unique. IDA will also share the results of the bidding exercise to enhance transparency.

IDA allocated 14 mobile number levels1 open for bidding yesterday in which three of the eligible mobile operators2 participated. The minimum bid price of each number level is S$25,000. The results of yesterday's allocation exercise are summarised as follows:

No. Operator Number Level Awarded Price (S$)
1. MobileOne Ltd
  • 9889 XXXX
  • 8188 XXXX
  • 8222 XXXX
  • 79,500.00     
  • 100,000.00
  • 104,500.00
2. Singapore Telecom Mobile Pte Ltd
  • 9888 XXXX
  • 8181 XXXX
  • 8182 XXXX
  • 8218 XXXX
  • 8223 XXXX
  • 8228 XXXX
  • 155,000.00
  •   82,500.00
  •   30,000.00
  •   30,500.00
  •   25,000.00
  •   49,500.00
3. StarHub Mobile Pte Ltd
  • 8163 XXXX
  • 8168 XXXX
  • 8198 XXXX
  • 8200 XXXX
  • 8233 XXXX
  • 25,000.00 
  • 40,000.00 
  • 25,000.00 
  • 30,000.00 
  • 25,000.00

To qualify for the bidding exercise, mobile operators have to have used up at least 50% of the mobile numbers previously allocated to them. They can then bid for as many number levels as they wish from the number pool offered in the exercise. Mobile operators who have used up less than 50% can only bid for one number level per number pool offered. IDA will conduct another bidding session when there are 20 number levels or less left in the number pool offered.

For more details of the allocation procedure, please refer to the IDA website ( under the Policy & Regulation webpage under the "Regulation/ Spectrum & Numbering" section.


Notes to Editor:

1A mobile number level consists of 10,000 numbers. For example, the mobile number level 8300 XXX includes all numbers between 8300 0000 to 8300 9999.

2The six eligible mobile operators include cellular, paging and public trunk radio operators i.e. DNA Comm Pte Ltd, MobileOne Ltd, Singapore Telecom Mobile Pte Ltd, Singapore Telecom Paging Pte Ltd, StarHub Mobile Pte Ltd and STSunPage Pte Ltd.

About Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore

The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) is committed to growing Singapore into a dynamic global infocomm hub. IDA uses an integrated approach to developing infocommunications in Singapore. This involves nurturing a competitive telecoms market as well as a conducive business environment with programmes and schemes for both local and international companies.

For media clarifications, please contact:

Ms Chia Wan Fen
Manager, Corporate & Marketing Communication
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore