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Tap into the Growth of Asia's Games Industry as Singapore's Games Bazaar Goes "LIVE" Today


Singapore's standing as an ideal location to host and manage regional digital games received a further boost as the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) launched the 'Games Bazaar' today. The Games Bazaar is a ... 

Singapore's standing as an ideal location to host and manage regional digital games received a further boost as the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) launched the 'Games Bazaar' today. The Games Bazaar is a scalable hosting platform that allows games companies, publishers and distributors to test and deploy their games titles regionally faster, at greater ease and without facing high initial capital costs.

The Games Bazaar partners with major telecommunications and hosting provider, SingTel EXPAN, and leading technology provider, Hewlett Packard Singapore, to help reduce the costs for the games deployment by offering a 'pay-as-you-use' hosting platform. Games companies will enjoy the flexibility of Games Bazaar to pay for hosting services and bandwidth based on what they use.

Mr Thomas Lim, Director, Games and Entertainment, IDA Singapore said, "We welcome games players to trial online and mobile games with Singapore's Games Bazaar. The Games Bazaar provides utility pricing and scalability so that games companies can now customise their requirements and scale-up as the market demands. With this, games companies can gain market access rapidly to tap into the growth of Asia's online gaming market that is expected to hit US$1 billion by 20051."

As an additional boost for the games industry, over the next two years, IDA together with HP and SingTel EXPAN, will help companies to defray up to 80 per cent of the hosting costs during their first six months of trial with the Games Bazaar.

"At HP, we are looking at adapting utility computing technology to host and operate online games as part of our Adaptive Enterprise @ Singapore2 industry development initiative. Our approach is to help game developers and service providers build an adaptive business model that flexes with their IT needs so that multiple games can reside on the same infrastructure, dramatically cutting hosting costs and reducing hardware capital outlay. Cost management is critical for these games companies which face volatile market demand acceptance," said Mr Tan Choon Seng, Managing Director of HP South East Asia and Singapore.

"The Games Bazaar is supported by SingTel's world-class data centres and extensive pan-Asian Internet connectivity and points of presence. Besides its attractive and flexible pricing scheme, games companies can benefit from a one-stop IT service and high quality network connectivity with SingTel. They can also enjoy peace of mind and focus on their business as they leverage on Singapore as a springboard to access the regional market," said Mr Yeo See Kiat, Director (Sales & Marketing Support), SingTel, Managed Hosting Services.

At its launch today, the Games Bazaar has already signed up two online games service providers, iGames Asia and PAN*iMX. iGames Asia is regional distributor for a wide range of interactive entertainment software via an extensive distribution network of retailers and LAN Centres. Pan*iMX specialises in providing solutions and services for multimedia online games, communications as well as applications.

Mr Jonathon Sze, Technology Manager of iGames Asia said, "Games Bazaar provides a stepping stone for iGamesAsia's venture into the provision of online entertainment content. What makes this intiative enticing to us is the fact that this setup can effectively serve the rest of South East Asia."

Dr Woo Kang Wei, Managing Director, PAN*iMX said, "Games Bazaar Singapore enables PAN*iMX to realise its vision as a leading Regional Game Service Provider. PAN*iMX is excited about working jointly with key partners like IDA, SingTel and HP to develop Singapore as a Digital Exchange for Games."

The Games Bazaar is an initiative under IDA's Digital Exchange strategy. This strategy aims to extend Singapore's hub status into the digital realm by processing, managing and distributing digital assets, such as online games, through Singapore into the rest of Asia.

IDA is also looking at developing the games industry through government-to-government partnerships. IDA recently signed a Memorandum of Intent (MOI) with Korea IT Industry Promotion Agency (KIPA) to formalise a co-operation framework to promote the games industry. The scope of co-operation will include bilateral exchanges to help both Singaporean and Korean games companies to deploy games using the Games Bazaar as a regional market testbed. Further details of this co-operation will be announced by end 2004.

"IDA seeks to work with both local and regional content-rich partners to manage and distribute digital games through the Games Bazaar. We are excited with the opportunity to partner with Korea to develop the games industry. Korea is one of the fastest growing games markets in the world and it is well-known for its vibrant and content-rich domestic industry. In the first half of 2004, the Korean domestic games industry has already developed more than 200 online games titles. We believe that this will be a win-win partnership for both the Singaporean and Korean infocomm industries," said Mr Thomas Lim, Director, Games and Entertainment, IDA Singapore.

"KIPA is very pleased to co-operate with IDA for the online game industry promotion in the South East Asian region. We believe that the Games Bazaar combined with KIPA's promotion programme shall give good opportunities to Korean game developers who are interested in the Southeast Asian market. We are willing to share our experiences, and eager to exchange ideas for the long-term success in this market," said Mr Jeong-Soo Kim, Executive Director of Game Business Division, KIPA.

Singapore as Ideal Location for Games

Singapore is an ideal location to host and manage regional online games and services. It is the most connected city in Asia with more than 10 Gbps of extensive and direct Internet connectivity to over 20 countries. This comprises 4 Gbps to the USA and over 140 Mbps to Asian cities such as Korea, Hong Kong, Japan, India, Taiwan and China. In addition, Singapore's direct Internet connectivity to major ASEAN countries is at least 70 Mbps.

Singapore's network infrastructure is also particularly well-suited for digital delivery of data centre space with its 21 Tbps of submarine cable capacity and international and regional telecoms connectivity to more than 100 countries. Today, Singapore is Asia's first neutral Peering Point for GPRS Roaming.

Recently, Singapore was ranked first in Asia for Intellectual Property Rights Protection by PERC 2004 and Global Corruption Report, 2003, making it an excellent location for companies to securely store and distribute digital gaming content. Singapore is also rated the Number One Business Environment in Asia Pacific, according to EIU, 2002.


Notes to Editor:

1 IDC Asia/Pacific Online Gaming Report, 24 May 2004.

2 Adaptive Enterprise @ Singapore is a three-year collaboration between IDA and HP to explore the emerging technologies of grid and utility computing in Singapore to spur new growth areas such as online games.

About Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore

The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) develops, promotes and regulates info-communications in Singapore, with the aim of establishing Singapore as one of the world's premier infocomm capitals. To nurture an internationally competitive infocomm industry, IDA offers a comprehensive range of programmes and schemes for both local and international companies. For more information, visit

About HP

HP is a technology solutions provider to consumers, businesses and institutions globally. The company's offerings span IT infrastructure, personal computing and access devices, global services and imaging and printing. For the four fiscal quarters ended April 30, 2004, HP revenue totaled $76.8 billion. More information about HP (NYSE, Nasdaq: HPQ) is available at

About SingTel

SingTel is Asia's leading communications group with operations and investments around the world. Serving both the corporate and consumer markets, it is committed to bringing the best of global communications to customers in the Asia Pacific and beyond.

With significant operations in Singapore and Australia (through wholly-owned subsidiary SingTel Optus), the Group provides a comprehensive portfolio of services that include voice and data services over fixed, wireless and Internet platforms.

To serve the needs of multi-national corporations, SingTel has a network of 31 offices in 15 countries and territories throughout the Asia Pacific, in Europe and the USA. These offices enable SingTel to deliver reliable and quality network solutions to its customers, either on its own or jointly with local partners.

The Group also has major investments in India, Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand. Together with its regional partners, SingTel is Asia's largest multi-market mobile operator, serving more than 47 million customers in six markets.

SingTel has been recognised Best Asian Telecom Carrier by industry publication, Telecom Asia, for six consecutive years since 1998. The Group employs more than 19,000 people worldwide and had a turnover of S$12.0 billion (US$7.17 billion) and net profit after tax of S$4.49 billion (US$2.68 billion) for the year ended 31 March 2004. More information can be found @ and

About iGames Asia

iGames Asia is South East Asia's fastest growing interactive entertainment and educational software distributor. The company represents world renowned PC game brands and educational/reference products such as WarCraft, Half Life, Counter Strike and Encyclopaedia Britannica respectively via an extensive distribution network of retailers, cyber cafes and schools across Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. Plans and production are now underway to create an interesting line of merchandise from popular PC/Online game characters and icons. Visit for more information.

About PAN*iMX

PAN*iMX is a Regional Technology and Service Provider with headquarters in Singapore and an office in Korea. Our vision is to empower the Information Economy with best of breed solutions for multimedia communications and applications and to enable Digital Life Style & Entertainment Xchange between Mobile and Internet Users.

About Korea IT Industry Promotion Agency

Korea IT Industry Promotion Agency (KIPA) was established in 1998 by the Ministry of Information and Communication, is a non-profit organization, is duly instituted in accordance with the Software Industry Promotion Act., KIPA is responsible for the Contribution to the globalization of the IT industry, Promotion of international cooperation, Support for the start-up software companies, Invigoration of the digital contents industry, Development of promotion policies for the IT industry, Improvement of software quality and productivity through process improvement (CMM, SPICE, etc).

For media clarification, please contact:

Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
WONG Yin Mei
DID: +65-6211-1724

Hewlett-Packard Singapore
Rebecca BRADY
DID: +65-6374-7898

CHIA Boon Chong
DID: +65-6838-2022

iGames Asia Pte Ltd
Jonathon SZE / Phyllis CHENG
Tel: +65-6296-7631
Email: /

PAN*iMX Asia Pacific Pte Ltd
OLive HO
DID: + 65-9784-3989

Korea IT Industry Promotion Agency iPark Singapore
LEO Hua Chiang
DID: +65-6330-5116