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IDA Approves Revisions to SingTel's Reference Interconnection Offer (RIO)


The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) today has approved revisions to Singapore Telecommunications Limited's (SingTel) Reference Interconnection Offer (RIO). SingTel's RIO sets out IDA-approved ... 

More Robust RIO to Benefit Telecoms Industry

The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) today has approved revisions to Singapore Telecommunications Limited's (SingTel) Reference Interconnection Offer (RIO). SingTel's RIO sets out IDA-approved prices, terms and conditions for interconnection and access to SingTel's network. The RIO provides the telecoms industry with a standard agreement to use when it wants to lease or connect1 to SingTel's network in order to provide its own services to the Singapore market.

IDA has determined revisions to service provisioning timeframes, streamlined processes and reduced the costs of obtaining services from SingTel under the RIO. These revisions to the RIO will lead to reduction in various costs for telecoms players and help expedite their market entry.

IDA's review of the RIO follows the conclusion of its first Telecoms Competition Code2 ('Code') triennial review, where Code revisions came into effect on 4 March 2005. This is IDA's first comprehensive review of the RIO since it was made available to the telecoms industry in January 2001. With the review, SingTel's RIO is now better aligned to the revised Code requirements, and remains relevant to Singapore's telecoms market. The revised RIO is expected to take effect on 8 November 2005.

Highlights of the RIO Revisions

To enhance transparency, IDA intends to make public the prices of interconnection services offered under the RIO. The visibility of these prices further facilitates market entry by allowing potential market entrants to better make business decisions and price comparisons.

There are more streamlined processes to acquire services, and shorter timeframes for telecoms operators to obtain interconnection services from SingTel. This provides telecoms operators with more expedient and efficient service provision. Processes for services are streamlined. These include ordering, provisioning and fault restoration of interconnection services. Comprehensive service level guarantees for ordering, provisioning and fault restoration of interconnection services are now included in the RIO. The provision of service level guarantees will provide telecoms operators a greater certainty in obtaining interconnection services and access to SingTel's network.

IDA Deputy Chief Executive and Director-General (Telecoms), Mr Leong Keng Thai said, "The RIO continually aims to facilitate quick conclusion of interconnection agreements between SingTel and other telecoms operators. This means faster time to market for competing operators with their telecoms products and services."

IDA's decision on revisions to SingTel's RIO can be found at IDA's website,, under the sections "Policy & Regulation", "Papers", "Consultation Papers", Item 7.


Notes to Editor:

1 The list of interconnection services provided under the RIO is:
1. Physical interconnection
2. Call Origination / Termination / Transit
3. Local Loops/ Sub Loops / Line Sharing
4. Connection service to submarine cable systems
5. Lead-in ducts
6. Number portability
7. Local Leased Circuits
8. Co-location space in SingTel's exchanges

2  The Code of Practice for Competition in the Provision of Telecommunications Services (Telecoms Competition Code) first came into effect on 29 September 2000. The Code was amended following the close of IDA's first triennial review in February 2005. Revisions to the Code came into effect on 4 March 2005. The Code provides a clear and robust competition framework that defines the boundaries for competition conduct in a fully liberalised telecoms environment. It strives to accelerate telecoms development, while fostering fair, effective and sustainable competition. The Code is available under the 'Policy & Regulation' section of the IDA website at  

About Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore

The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) is committed to growing Singapore into a dynamic global infocomm hub. IDA uses an integrated approach to developing infocommunications in Singapore. This involves nurturing a competitive telecoms market as well as a conducive business environment with programmes and schemes for both local and international companies.For more news and information, visit   

For media clarification, please contact:

HO Ka Wei (Mr)
Manager, Corporate & Marketing Communication
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
Fax: (65) 6211 2227