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Singapore's Infocomm Sector Remains a Key Engine of Growth


The Infocomm sector in Singapore has been given a boost with the Government expecting to call S$2.2 billion worth of IT tenders in Financial Year 2005. This figure was compiled by Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore ... 

Government Announces S$2.2 billion Worth of IT Tenders to be Called in Financial year 2005

The Infocomm sector in Singapore has been given a boost with the Government expecting to call S$2.2 billion worth of IT tenders in Financial Year 2005. This figure was compiled by Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA). Bulk of this IT procurement will be from IDA while the remaining will come from government agencies such as Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Manpower.

Out of this S$2.2 billion, S$1.5 billion worth of IT tenders to be called will be for a Standard ICT Operating Environment (SOE) project which the Government is going to embark on. The SOE comprises a standard desktop environment and a standard network environment. Examples of components to be standardised are desktop operating system and desktop management tool. "A Standard ICT Operating Environment will greatly enhance the operating efficiency in government. It will reduce the time needed to deploy new ICT services in government, improve our ability to respond to ICT security threats, and most importantly, make it easier to operate and maintain our desktops and networks," said Mr Chan Yeng Kit, CEO of IDA at Industry Briefing 2005.

The announcement by IDA is yet another sign that the Infocomm industry remains to be an important engine of growth for Singapore. In FY2004, the public sector spent about S$1.6 billion on IT. This worked out to 4.5% of all government expenditure. This figure also shows that the Government continues to be an important trend-setter in IT procurement.

IDA hopes that through the Industry Briefing, it will increase the industry's awareness of pipeline IT projects in the public sector. "By sharing our pipeline IT projects with industry, we hope to better prepare the industry for responding to our tenders. We also hope that the industry will engage our agencies early by sharing technology trends, innovative product and service offerings, and suggestions on new possibilities," said Mr Chan.

At the Industry Briefing, IDA also shared that both MNCs and local companies such as NCS Pte Ltd and K Solutions Pte Ltd were amongst the top vendors for Government IT tenders in FY2004. IDA hopes that there continue to be strong government-industry collaboration in Government IT projects so that Singapore can remain as an innovative leader in ICT adoption.

At the briefing, major buyers within the Government also presented their IT procurement plans for FY05. The Ministry of Defence and its statutory board, the Defence Science & Technology Agency (DSTA) gave an overview of their IT investment plans for the next few years and shared on new developments which would enhance the business processes. MINDEF and DSTA hoped through the briefing, it would provide their business partners and suppliers with a better understanding of the new directions and approaches of MINDEF and DSTA and the key initiatives on Corporate Technical Architecture so as to foster better partnerships in the future.

The Ministry of Education shared information on the FY05 procurement plans of the ministry, the seven Institutes of Higher Learning and the Institute of Technical Education.

The Ministry of Manpower's major IT focus for FY05 would be to build a new knowledge management system, or Knowledge Enterprise (KE). The new system will make it easy for employees to access, share and use knowledge internally, as it provides a single point of access to the multiple databases residing in different departments. KE will also enhance co-ordination and planning across departments by streamlining workflow processes. Separately, MOM also intends to develop an integrated portal to drive continuing education and training for the Singapore workforce. Users will be able to access a whole array of workforce-related information and services housed under one umbrella site.

Key procurement areas for the Ministry of Home Affairs include projects such as Integrated Security System for Prisons Dept, Integrated Container Inspection System for Immigration & Checkpoints Authority as well as Hazmat Incident Management System for Singapore Civil Defence Force.

Similar to last year, this year's Industry Briefing received warm response from the industry players. Nearly 800 representatives from about 400 companies registered for this event which was held at Suntec Convention Centre.


About Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore

The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) is committed to growing Singapore into a dynamic global infocomm hub. IDA uses an integrated approach to developing info-communications in Singapore. This involves nurturing a competitive telecoms market as well as a conducive business environment with programmes and schemes for both local and international companies. For more information, visit

For media clarification, please contact:

Serene Tan (Ms)
Assistant Manager,
Corporate and Marketing Communication Division
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
Tel: +65-6211-1168
Fax: +65-6211-2226
Mobile: +65-9430-7901

Diana Quah (Ms)
Senior Executive
Corporate Communications
Defence Science and Technology Agency
Tel: +65-6879-5085
Mobile: +65-9665-8575

Matthew Ou (Mr)
Corporate Communications Executive
Corporate Communications Division
Ministry of Education
Tel: +65-6879-6124

Klessis Lee (Ms)
Public Communications Executive
Corporate Communications Division
Ministry of Home Affairs
Tel: +65-6478-5717
Pager: +65-9542-1700

Kwa Chin Bee (Ms)
Corporate Communications Department
Ministry of Manpower
Tel: +65-6317-1676

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