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Infocomm Development in Last 25 Years has Enriched Lives of Singaporeans


25 years ago, the Singapore government went out in a big way to make technology an integral part of the way we live, work, learn and play. It all started with the Civil Service Computerisation Programme in 1981, which evolved into the... 

Infocomm Development in Last 25 Years has Enriched Lives of Singaporeans - IDA and Infocomm Players Collaborate to Celebrate 25 Years of Infocomm

Imagine a day without your mobile phone, your computer and the Internet. Will it really be a holiday or do you feel stranded and lonely?

25 years ago, the Singapore government went out in a big way to make technology an integral part of the way we live, work, learn and play. It all started with the Civil Service Computerisation Programme in 1981, which evolved into the National IT Plan five years later. Today, infocomm is part and parcel of every Singaporean's life. Singapore's infocomm development in the last 25 years has brought significant benefits for both businesses and society.

To celebrate and take stock of our achievements, the government and the industry have come together to organise a series of commemorative activities and events for 2006. Since January 2006, a steering committee chaired by IDA has been formed to plan and guide the activities (See Annex A for Steering Committee members). The commemorative activities include:

* Four-part TV documentary titled "Singapore Connected: The Infocomm Story" to be aired on Channel News Asia, every Monday at 8.30pm, starting 29 May till 19 June;

* First-Day-Cover with four commemorative stamps available for public sales on 20 June;

* "Singapore Connected: The Infocomm Story" Public Event from 10 - 15 October, comprising an Industry Gala Dinner, a five-day public Infocomm Exhibition and a series of infocomm talks by top tier international speakers from the infocomm industry; and

* Commemorative book detailing the historical journey and future of Singapore's infocomm development to be launched at the Industry Gala Dinner.

The activities aim to bring an engaging and thought-provoking experience of the infocomm story to all Singaporeans. To this purpose, keen support and participation from key infocomm stakeholders and pioneers as well as thought leaders from the infocomm industry have been vital to bringing this significant story to life (See Annex B for details on activities).

The activities also aspire to wide-ranging participation by students, businesses and other members of the public. The TV documentary and public event in particular, aim to build awareness of the significance of infocomm in the transformation of Singapore's economy and society, encourage the active embracing of technology and innovations to come as well as inspire a sense of pride in the progress that the country has made in 25 years.

"Our past achievements have built a strong foundation for Singapore to bring infocomm to new heights and respond to challenges with confidence. iN2015 will build on this foundation to open new possibilities for Singapore's industries, economy and society, empowered by the next era of infocomm technologies," said Mr Chan Yeng Kit, Chief Executive Officer, IDA.

The collaborative effort between the government and industry in celebrating 25 years of infocomm reinforces the enduring and forward looking partnership between government and industry in advancing Singapore's infocomm development.

"Singapore has come a long way in 25 years. We have achieved much success. Our successes would not have been possible without the contributions from the infocomm industry. I am heartened to see the infocomm industry, associations and companies coming together to celebrate this milestone in Singapore's infocomm development," added Mr Chan.


About Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore

The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) is committed to growing Singapore into a dynamic global infocomm hub. IDA uses an integrated approach to developing infocommunications in Singapore. This involves nurturing a competitive telecoms market as well as a conducive business environment with programmes and schemes for both local and international companies. For more information, visit

For media clarification, please contact:

Jennifer TOH (Ms)
Senior Manager, Corporate & Marketing Communication
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
Tel: (65) 6211 0508
Fax: (65) 6211 2226

Veronyka LAU (Ms)
Manager, Corporate and Marketing Communication
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
Tel: (65) 6211 1340
Fax: (65) 6211 2226

Title Date of Issue
Annex A - Celebrating 25 Years of Infocomm Steering Committee Members (59.40KB) 26 May 2006
Annex B - Commemorative Activities (56.94KB) 26 May 2006
Infocomm Milestones (150.26KB) 26 May 2006
Infocomm Facts and Figures (66.01KB) 26 May 2006