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General Practitioners Go Electronic


Come 1st October, GPs in more than 1,000 clinics will be able to tap on a four-year infocomm programme launched by the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA), to accelerate infocomm adoption in the primary healthcare sector. 

IDA Launches a S$15million Infocomm Programme for GPs to Provide More Personalised Healthcare to Patients

Come 1st October, GPs in more than 1,000 clinics1 will be able to tap on a four-year infocomm programme launched by the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA), to accelerate infocomm adoption in the primary healthcare sector2. GPs are encouraged to leverage on infocomm to seamlessly update and retrieve their patients' health records, through integrated clinic management systems (CMS). Presently, the adoption of infocomm by GPs is still low and many, especially solo practitioners and small GP groups, work on different systems to access patient's information, billing charges and insurance claims. The integrated CMS will offer a comprehensive suite of functionalities through a single interface.

This was announced today by Dr Balaji Sadasivan, Senior Minister of State for Information, Communications and the Arts and Foreign Affairs, at the second annual International Healthcare Facilities Exhibition and Conference.

Benefits to GPs

Beyond this integrated service, the CMS will eventually help GPs in Singapore to plug into the national healthcare network to achieve the Ministry of Health's (MOH) "One Singaporean, One Electronic Medical Record" vision. In the future, the system will facilitate GPs to submit mandatory information to MOH, for example infectious disease reporting, immunisation reporting to the Health Promotion Board and access to patients' allergies and medical alerts. Seamless flow of information can also be achieved via the CMS, to allow GPs to work in an integrated and coordinated manner with other hospitals and step-down care providers3.

Aligned with the MOH's Medisave for Chronic Disease Management Programme, the CMS can help participating GPs with the capturing of clinical indicators so that GPs are able to keep track of their patients' progress and enhance their care delivery as well as make Medisave claims.

Benefits to Patients

In June this year, IDA launched the nation's next 10-year infocomm masterplan, iN2015, Healthcare was identified as one of the key sectors that infocomm can help enhance and transform through an infocomm-enabled personalised healthcare delivery system. In order for GPs and other providers to effectively participate in the care of patients within the healthcare ecosystem, it is necessary to accelerate infocomm adoption in these facilities.

Patients, especially those with chronic diseases, and whose GPs adopt the CMS, will be able to benefit from better trending of their clinical record and reminders for their regular annual screenings. They will also benefit from smoother clinic operations and claims processes.

"Using IT can bring important new benefits to patients. Real time access to timely and accurate patient information will help doctors provide better care to patients. This is especially important for patients suffering from chronic diseases because they require coordinated care over the long-term. We hope that GPs will adopt the integrated CMS to provide more personalised healthcare for their patients," said Ms Yong Ying-I, Permanent Secretary, MOH.

Partnering Local Infocomm Companies

Mr Chan Yeng Kit, Chief Executive Officer, IDA said: "Like healthcare, infocomm is today an intrinsic part of our lives. By marrying the two, and harnessing our local infocomm capabilities, we can provide a more personalised standard of care to patients. With more than 80% of the primary healthcare sector managed by GPs, the integrated CMS will form a fundamental building block of an infocomm-enabled personalised healthcare delivery system."

IDA is working with leading Application Services Providers (ASPs) in the healthcare industry to provide a comprehensive suite of functionalities within the integrated CMS to the GPs. Through the ASP model, clinics can avoid high capital investments required to develop their own CMS. IDA is also working with the major medical groups to enhance their enterprise CMS.

Currently, CrimsonLogic and Frontline Technologies are developing the integrated CMS solution to meet the GP's needs. IDA is also working with Internet Services Providers (ISP) such as SingTel on special broadband subscription packages to the clinics.


Notes to Editor:

1 There are 1,400 clinics in Singapore. It is estimated that 500 clinics are currently using standalone CMS solutions with limited functionalities that are not integrated with the national healthcare network.

2 The type of holistic, basic healthcare that is delivered by a GP or family physician.

3 An intermediate stage of care between hospital and home-based care. It is provided by community-based institutions like nursing homes, rehabilitation centres and community hospitals.

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About Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore

The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) is committed to growing Singapore into a dynamic global infocomm hub. IDA uses an integrated approach to developing infocommunications in Singapore. This involves nurturing a competitive telecoms market as well as a conducive business environment with programmes and schemes for both local and international companies. For more information, visit

For media clarification, please contact:

Ms Jesmin Tan
Manager,Corporate and Marketing Communication
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
DID: 6211-0917

Ms Jenny Ng
Senior Manager, Corporate and Marketing Communication
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
DID: 6211-1341