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Singapore to Focus on International Collaboration for its Cyber Defence


The Government is already looking into a new five-year infocomm security roadmap (2008 - 2012) as it embarks on the final year of the current three-year Infocomm Security Masterplan (2005 - 2008). This was revealed by Dr. Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports and Second Minister for Information, Communications and the Arts at the annual Infocomm Security Seminar for public officers, organised by the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) and the Ministry of Finance. 

The Government is already looking into a new five-year infocomm security roadmap (2008 - 2012) as it embarks on the final year of the current three-year Infocomm Security Masterplan1 (2005 - 2008).

This was revealed by Dr. Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports and Second Minister for Information, Communications and the Arts at the annual Infocomm Security Seminar for public officers, organised by the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) and the Ministry of Finance.

Dr. Balakrishnan said, "We cannot afford to be complacent, especially with new and dangerous threats evolving and growing at such an alarming rate. Instead of simply taking one step forward, we need to be many steps ahead in our efforts to combat cyber threats."

Providing a glimpse of the new five-year Masterplan to be launched in 2008, Dr. Balakrishnan shared that the new infocomm security roadmap will build on Singapore's existing efforts to focus on more international collaborations to improve Singapore's ability to combat cyber threats. The collaborations will look into knowledge exchanges and regular communication between governments on cyber threat trends and protection of critical infrastructure. Already, Singapore will be hosting a key international infocomm security conference, Meridian 2008, in October 2008. Held in Asia for the first time, Meridian 2008 will see senior government officials from around the world gathering to discuss and explore opportunities for collaboration in the protection of critical infocomm infrastructures.

When launched in 2008, the new security roadmap will also secure Singapore's ultra high-speed and pervasive Next Generation National Infocomm Infrastructure (NGNII) to provide a secure and trusted environment for the creation of new value-added services such as location-based marketing, goods tracking and localised information services and the pervasive adoption of online services such as those in the area of banking, healthcare and education.

These efforts will support and encourage innovation in the economic sectors and throughout society, and help realise iN2015's2 vision of turning the country into an intelligent nation, a global city, powered by infocomm. More details about the new masterplan will be announced in early 2008.

Government Enhances Singapore's Cyber Defence Under Current Masterplan

At the seminar attended by more than 300 public officers, Mr. Peter Ho, Head of Civil Service and Chairman of the National Infocomm Security Committee, highlighted that the public sector is on track in strengthening the government's systems and services, which will increase users' confidence of government e-services. Presently, businesses and individuals access more than 1,600 government e-services for a wide range of services, from filing taxes to the application of licenses.

"Every infocomm user has a role to play, such as the adoption of security practices in their online activities, and in their daily contact with infocomm devices. In the public sector, we have a responsibility to set an example to the rest of the nation by working together and by adopting a pro-security mindset," said Mr. Ho.

Under the current Masterplan, the government has developed various security initiatives to equip public officers with more timely information and knowledge to assess and improve on their cyber defence. This allows them to better protect, detect and respond to cyber threats.

An example is the Cyber-WatchCentre, which went 'live' last month. One of the first in Asia, the centre monitors cyber threats real-time and round-the-clock. By mid 2008, the centre will ensure end-to-end security for all public officers, allowing government agencies to better anticipate cyber attacks and respond to them speedily.

IDA has also developed an 'Infocomm Security Health Scorecard' that assesses the state of info-security of government agencies, in areas ranging from policies, standards and security knowledge of public officers, to details such as physical and environmental security. The goal is to help government agencies better focus their efforts in the improvement of their info-security strategies and processes. Today, all government agencies are undergoing assessment and the exercise is expected to be completed in May 2007.

Moving beyond the public sector, the government has embarked on a series of consumer education activities to raise the security awareness and adoption of end-consumers. According to the IDA's 2006 Annual Survey on Infocomm Usage in Households and by Individuals, 64% of Internet users aged 15 to 59 years installed firewall while 59% of them installed anti-spyware on their home computers. Compared to the 2005 report, 53% of home users aged 15 to 59 years installed firewall while 56% installed anti-spyware on their home computers.

To raise awareness amongst businesses about cyber threats and appropriate security measures, the government has reached out to trade associations like the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Singapore Infocomm Technology Federation.

Working closely with the public, private and people sectors, the government will continue to enhance Singapore's capabilities to combat new and emerging cyber threats and ensure a safe infocomm environment where infocomm technology will enhance the quality of how Singaporeans work, learn and play.


Notes to Editor:

1 The Infocomm Security Masterplan was launched on 22 February 2005 as a strategic roadmap to chart Singapore's national efforts in developing capabilities to prevent cyber-security incidents and protect our critical infrastructure from cyber-threats. See 22 February 2005 media release at

2 Intelligent Nation 2015, or iN2015, is Singapore's sixth and latest Infocomm masterplan. Its vision is to transform the country into an Intelligent Nation, A Global City, powered by Infocomm by the year 2015. It was launched on 20 June 2006, by Minister for Information, Communications and the Arts Lee Boon Yang, at the annual Infocomm Media Business Exchange, or imbX.

About Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore

The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) is committed to growing Singapore into a dynamic global infocomm hub. IDA uses an integrated approach to developing infocommunications in Singapore. This involves nurturing a competitive telecoms market as well as a conducive business environment with programmes and schemes for both local and international companies. For more information, visit

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Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
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Ho Hwei Ling (Ms)
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Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
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