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175 MHz Of Spectrum Allocated To Four Winning Bidders Through The General Spectrum Auction


The winning bidders can commence the use of the spectrum to enhance their networks from as early as 1 July 2017.

The Info-communications Media Development Authority (IMDA) today concluded the first stage of the General Spectrum Auction (GSA) on the amount of spectrum to be awarded to interested bidders for the provision of high-speed mobile broadband services. The results are as follows: 

Winning Bidders Amount of Spectrum Provisionally* Awarded (MHz)1 Total Price (S$ million)2
M1 Limited (M1) 30 208
Singtel Mobile Singapore Pte Ltd (Singtel) 75 563.7
StarHub Mobile Pte Ltd (StarHub) 60 349.6
TPG Telecom Pte Ltd (TPG) 10 23.8

* Note: The Spectrum Rights will be granted following the completion of the next stage of the GSA and full payment for the awarded spectrum is received. For more details, please refer to the Annex.

A total of 175 MHz of spectrum in the 700 MHz, 900 MHz and 2.5 GHz spectrum bands, including spectrum to be re-farmed from the provision of 2G services, was made available for allocation in the GSA for the provision of high-speed mobile broadband services using technologies like 4G. This will enable the industry to roll out or enhance their mobile networks to meet the increasing demand for mobile data services. IMDA proceeded with the first stage of the GSA after receiving a total request for 225 MHz of spectrum in February 2017 from M1, Singtel, StarHub and TPG at the reserve prices set by IMDA. This was 50 MHz in excess of the spectrum available for allocation.

“The strong interest in the radio spectrum is testament to the mobile network operators' confidence in the mobile market moving forward. Increasingly, high-speed mobile services will be critical in delivering the next generation suite of digital services and products to realise Singapore's digital future. Similar to past spectrum auction proceeds, IMDA plans to reinvest the monies received to help our infocomm media companies and workforce develop their capabilities, strengthen digital infrastructure, and ready themselves for the digital economy,” said Mr Tan Kiat How, Chief Executive of IMDA.

The winning bidders can commence the use of the spectrum to enhance their networks from as early as 1 July 20173.

The next stage of the GSA will determine the specific spectrum bands to be allocated to the winning bidders.

1 The amount of spectrum provisionally awarded includes the First Right of Refusal Lots extended to existing spectrum right holders. M1, Singtel and StarHub exercised their First Right of Refusal for 10 MHz of 900 MHz spectrum (i.e. 1 Spectrum Lot) each at the reserve price of S$20 million.
2 The total price excludes other fees payable like administrative fees and applicable taxes.
3 The spectrum rights in the 900 MHz and 2.5 GHz bands will commence on 1 July 2017, while those in the 700 MHz band will commence on 1 January 2018 at the earliest. 


About Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA)

The Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) will develop a vibrant, world-class infocomm media sector that drives the economy, connects people, bonds communities and powers Singapore's Smart Nation vision. IMDA does this by developing talent, strengthening business capabilities, and enhancing Singapore's ICT and media infrastructure. IMDA also regulates the telecommunications and media sectors to safeguard consumer interests while fostering a pro-business environment. IMDA also enhances Singapore’s data protection regime through the Personal Data Protection Commission. For more news and information, visit or follow IMDA on Facebook IMDAsg and Twitter @IMDAsg.

For media clarifications, please contact:

Adrian Chan (Mr)
Manager, Regulatory Communications, IMDA
DID: (65) 6211 1510

Winston Chai (Mr)
Deputy Director, Regulatory and Corporate Communications, IMDA
DID: (65) 6202 4407


Summary of Results at the End of First Stage of GSA

Winning Bidders
M1 Limited
Singtel Mobile 
Singapore Pte Ltd 
 StarHub Mobile
Pte Ltd
TPG Telecom
Pte Ltd 
700 MHz

 Price  S$94,000,000 per Spectrum Lot

20 MHz

(2 Spectrum Lots)
 40 MHz
(4 Spectrum Lots)
 30 MHz
(3 Spectrum Lots)
900 MHz 
(First Right of Refusal)

 Price  S$20,000,000 per Spectrum Lot

10 MHz

(1 Spectrum Lot)
 10 MHz
(1 Spectrum Lot)
 10 MHz
(1 Spectrum Lot)
 Not Applicable
900 MHz
 Price  S$132,000,000 per Spectrum Lot
Quantity -
 10 MHz
(1 Spectrum Lot)
 -  -
2.5 GHz

 Price  S$11,900,000 per Spectrum Lot
Quantity -
(3 Spectrum Lots)
(4 Spectrum Lots)
(2 Spectrum Lots)
 Price  S$208,000,000
 Quantity  30  75  60  104

4 This does not include the 60 MHz of spectrum from the New Entrant Spectrum Lot that TPG obtained at S$105 million (excluding other fees payable like administrative fees and applicable taxes), which will also commence on 1 July 2017.


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