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CODE::XTREMEAPPS:: 2017 - 24-Hour Hackathon to Tackle Solutions for IoT


The theme will be “My Smart City: Connecting Our Senses”, with the focus on the sharing of Internet of Things (IoT) sensors and data, to promote a heightened level of awareness in the world we live in.

The Code::XtremeApps:: (CXA) hackathon this year looks to challenge minds and inspire innovative solutions for current issues that affect us. The theme will be “My Smart City: Connecting Our Senses”. The focus will be on the sharing of Internet of Things (IoT) sensors and data, to promote a heightened level of awareness in the world we live in. CXA is a hackathon jointly organised by the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) and the IT Standards Committee (ITSC).

Participants will be challenged to solve real problems from organisations across various sectors – Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA), PSA Singapore and Suntec City - through IoT technology and standards. The aim is to discover new and innovative solutions that give them competitive advantage in the businesses and services that they are operating on, and thus help spur Singapore to becoming a Smart Nation. 

Registration is now open, on 5th May! The competition will be held from the 14th to 15th of July 2017. 

What’s different this year is the additional time given to participants prior to the 24-hour final hackathon. Participants will now have the opportunity to develop better and more complete solutions for this challenge. 

CXA has three main tracks - a 24-hour School and Open Category, as well as a 3-hour Junior Category to get the young ones interested and exposed to tech and inventing. 

School and Open Category

Both the School and Open Category feature the 24-hour Hackathon where participants are required to develop solutions within 24 hours.

The School Category is available for students ranging from secondary up to pre-university or equivalent. 

The Open Category is available to enthusiasts of all ages.

Unique to this year’s Hackathon, the challenge statements will be released a full 6 weeks before the 24-hour competition on 2nd June 2017. Pre-event activities will include IoT training sessions, challenge statement briefings and even special arrangements, such as port visits organized by PSA Singapore. Teams will be encouraged to build solutions using technologies such as a standards-based platform to share data. Each team will be required to complete at least one challenge statement.”

The School and Open category competition will be held from 14th and 15th of July. 

Refer to Annex A (255.16KB) for more details on prizes.

Junior Category

The Junior Category is open to students of Primary School (age 12 and below) is in line with the Digital Maker Programme to nurture a new generation of digital natives to be creators and makers. It features a three-hour competition using micro:bit to create solutions to solve a challenge. The micro:bit is a pocket-sized, codeable microcontroller with various features like motion detection and Bluetooth technology. Participants will use micro:bits to experiment, explore and learn in a fun and educational way. They will learn basic coding and making to solve daily problems. In addition, every participant will get to bring home a micro:bit at the end of the competition. 

The Junior category competition will be held on 15th of July.

Refer to Annex A (255.16KB) for more details.


code::XtremeApps:: (CXA) is a hackathon jointly organised by the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) and the IT Standards Committee (ITSC).

It is aimed at creating greater awareness of and inspiring the use and value of programming and standards, as well as fostering collaboration with and within the programming community. The annual event was launched in 2007 with about 60 participating teams and has grown consistently over the years. In 2015, CXA partnered with other IMDA-led hackathons for a special SG50 jubilee Hackathon@SG which in total drew over 1,100 attendees.

The hackathon offers a month of various training classes to help ensure participants understand how to use the technology before the competition. These classes range from programming and coding to hands-on with emerging technologies such as the cloud, open data, robotics or the Internet of Things. It enables budding and current developers the perfect opportunity to share and learn more, as well as develop the seeds of innovative solutions.

Classes are catered for different levels and include child-friendly classes based on the technologies utilized during the competition. For example, the Junior Category classes learning to use a simple microcontroller to solve problems. 

About Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA)
The Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) will develop a vibrant, world-class infocomm media sector that drives the economy, connects people, bonds communities and powers Singapore's Smart Nation vision. IMDA does this by developing talent, strengthening business capabilities, and enhancing Singapore's ICT and media infrastructure. IMDA also regulates the telecommunications and media sectors to safeguard consumer interests while fostering a pro-business environment. IMDA also enhances Singapore’s data protection regime through the Personal Data Protection Commission. For more news and information, visit or follow IMDA on Facebook IMDAsg and Twitter @IMDAsg.

About ITSC
The Information Technology Standards Committee (ITSC) was formed in 1990, under the purview of the Standards Council appointed by SPRING Singapore. It is an industry-led effort comprising volunteer members from the industry, supported by IDA Singapore and SPRING Singapore. It is a neutral platform for interested stakeholders from the industry, academia and the government to get together and look into the local needs for IT standards and establish local standards, promote the awareness and adoption of IT standards, and represent Singapore in international standards platforms.

For media clarifications, please contact:

Regina GOH (Ms)
Manager, Industry & Marketing Communications, IMDA
DID: (65)6211 1295, (65)9839 5913


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