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New Online Resource to Help Seniors Go Digital


IMDA today launched the IM Silver Portal (, a one-stop online infocomm learning resource for the silver generation.

IMDA today launched the IM Silver Portal (, a one-stop online infocomm learning resource for the silver generation.

Unveiled by Dr Yaacob Ibrahim, Minister for Communications and Information at IMDA’s annual Silver IT Fest, the new portal will offer seniors access to online guides, ebooks, videos and seminars to help them learn and take advantage of mobile and digital technologies. Topics that will be covered include how to use mobile devices as well as chat applications to using cloud-based storage and cybercrime prevention.

The new IM Silver Portal aims to complement the classroom sessions that are already available to seniors at the 31 Silver Infocomm Junctions (SIJs). Since the launch of the SIJs in 2007, about 80,000 participants have attended and benefited from the technology classes they offer. The launch of IM Silver Portal will complement the SIJs and make learning even more accessible to seniors.

Besides online and classroom resources, IMDA will be working with the People’s Association Active Ageing Council (PA AAC) to encourage peer learning through a new Tech Silver Project. 

Currently, seniors who embrace digital technologies can become Silver Infocomm Wellness Ambassadors to help encourage their peers to pick up such skills. Through the Tech Silver Project, 29 Silver Infocomm Wellness Ambassadors have stepped forward to volunteer their time to help seniors within the community. IMDA and PA AAC will provide structured technical and soft skills training to build up the skills and competencies of these Tech Silvers to prepare them to better help spread the know-how to their peers in the community.

“It is now even easier for seniors to learn how to use technology to stay connected with friends and family, enhance the quality of their lives through online resources and at the same time, stay safe from cybercrimes. We hope that many more seniors will participate and benefit from these new programmes.” said Mr Tan Kiat How, Chief Executive, IMDA.

A fun weekend carnival open to people of all ages, the Silver IT Fest is an annual event organised by IMDA together with Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs), industry and community partners, aimed at sharing the latest in infocomm trends and happenings to seniors – through a wide range of activities from seminars, workshops, tutorials@learning islands and an exhibition of tech tips and deals. 

This year, the Silver IT Fest launch roadshow will be held from 10 to 11 June at the Lifelong Learning Institute. For details, visit

IM Silver Portal, the Silver IT Fest, Silver Infocomm Wellness Ambassadors are all programmes under IMDA’s Silver Infocomm Initiative. For details, please refer to the fact sheet in Annex (171.68KB).


About Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA)

The Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) will develop a vibrant, world-class infocomm media sector that drives the economy, connects people, bonds communities and powers Singapore's Smart Nation vision. IMDA does this by developing talent, strengthening business capabilities, and enhancing Singapore's ICT and media infrastructure. IMDA also regulates the telecommunications and media sectors to safeguard consumer interests while fostering a pro-business environment. IMDA also enhances Singapore’s data protection regime through the Personal Data Protection Commission. For more news and information, visit or follow IMDA on Facebook IMDAsg and Twitter @IMDAsg.

For media clarifications, please contact:
LOH Wei-Shan (Ms)
Assistant Manager, Communications & Marketing, IMDA
DID: (65) 6202 4411


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