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More support for mid-career jobseekers to restart ICT career


7 companies collaborate with Government to train and immerse mid-career jobseekers aged 40 years and above to work in dynamic environments

Mid-career infocomm technology (ICT) jobseekers aged 40 years and above will now have more opportunities to experience working in dynamic companies through the TechSkills Accelerator (TeSA) pilot immersion programme.

Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Communications and Information, Dr Janil Puthucheary announced more support for mid-career jobseekers at the Tech Hirers Connect forum. The forum, which aimed to raise awareness of best practices for talent acquisition and development of a skilled ICT workforce, was attended by key hirers of companies and industry partners. Second Minister for Manpower, Mrs Josephine Teo, also attended the event as a Special Guest in recognition of the efforts to boost manpower development in the Infocomm sector. 

Through the TeSA pilot immersion programme, 7 high-growth tech start-ups and small medium enterprises (SMEs) are opening their doors to mid-career jobseekers, offering them the opportunity to work on short-term projects, while allowing them to immerse and adapt to the fast-paced and dynamic work environments. Mid-career jobseekers will have the chance to work in sectors including retail e-commerce, real estate, logistics services, artificial intelligence, clean technology and more. The 7 companies on-board include EverComm, PropertyGuru, Sea, Shopee, Taiger, Trakomatic, and Zalora. 

Companies can also widen their talent pool and allow experienced professionals with domain or tech knowledge to transit into new roles in tech companies. Thirty roles will be made available under the project-based stints for business development, product management, software development to network or system engineering, over the course of 3- to 6-months with the companies. 

“Singapore’s drive to become a vibrant digital economy will create new and exciting opportunities for everyone. This includes companies of all sizes, and tech professionals – regardless of their age. IMDA is pleased to partner WSG and industry partners to help companies and professionals seize growth opportunities through continuous upgrading of their technology skills,” said Mr Tan Kiat How, Chief Executive of Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA).

Jointly developed by IMDA and Workforce Singapore (WSG), the TeSA pilot immersion programme will enable progressive tech companies to expand their hiring pipeline beyond conventional talent pool and tap on mid-career professionals who hone a great deal of working experience. 

Mr Tan Choon Shian, Chief Executive of Workforce Singapore (WSG) said, “Mid-career PMETs are a valuable talent source, and companies should actively harness the experience and knowledge of this group to address their manpower and recruitment needs. Employers and younger workers can benefit from their wealth of experience, business acumen and networks. WSG is pleased to partner IMDA to help employers tap on this source of experienced workforce.”

With the commitment from the participating companies, the common goal is to provide more opportunities for eligible mid-career PMETs to be immersed in a self-driven environment, gain experience, and expand their professional network, so that they can keep up with the changes in the dynamic digital economy. Through the experience gained, mid-career PMETs will be able to enhance their portfolio, which aims to improve employability across the various sectors.

Related Resources
Annex AFactsheet of the TeSA pilot immersion programme (373.04KB)
Annex BFactsheet of the TeSA initiative (848.37KB)  
Annex CProfiles of the participating companies (370.91KB) 



About Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA)

The Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) will develop a vibrant, world-class infocomm media sector that drives the economy, connects people, bonds communities and powers Singapore's Smart Nation vision. IMDA does this by developing talent, strengthening business capabilities, and enhancing Singapore's ICT and media infrastructure. IMDA also regulates the telecommunications and media sectors to safeguard consumer interests while fostering a pro-business environment. IMDA also enhances Singapore’s data protection regime through the Personal Data Protection Commission. For more news and information, visit or follow IMDA on Facebook IMDAsg and Twitter @IMDAsg.

About Workforce Singapore (WSG) 

Workforce Singapore enhances the competitiveness of our workforce by encouraging workers to learn for life and advance with skills. In today's economy, most jobs require not just knowledge, but also skills. WSG collaborates with employers, industry associations, unions and training organisations, to develop and strengthen the Continuing Education and Training system that is skills-based, open and accessible, as a mainstream pathway for all workers – young and older, from rank and file to professionals and executives – to upgrade and advance in their careers and lives. For more information, please visit

For media clarifications, please contact:

Infocomm Media Development Authority
Ms. Candy Pok
Assistant Manager, Industry & Marketing Communications
DID: +65 6211 1706

Workforce Singapore
Ms. Alina Tan
Senior Manager, Corporate & Marketing Communications
DID: +65 6512 7320



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