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IMDA Imposes Financial Penalty of $100,000 on Singpost for Not Meeting 2017 QOS Standards


The Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) has imposed a financial penalty of $100,000 on Singapore Post Limited (“SingPost”) for not meeting the Quality of Service (QoS) standards on delivery of local basic letters and registered mail in 2017. 

Delivery of local basic letters by the next working day

Under IMDA’s Postal QoS framework, SingPost is required to deliver 99% of local basic letters to an address within the Central Business District (CBD) and 98% of local basic letters to destinations outside the CBD areas by the next working day. 

SingPost complied with its postal QoS obligations except in May 2017, when it failed to meet the QoS standard for 99% delivery of local basic letters within the CBD by the next working day. 

Delivery of local basic letters and registered mail by the second working day

The Postal QoS framework also requires SingPost to achieve 100% delivery of local basic letters and registered mail by the second working day. 

SingPost did not meet the requirements for the delivery of local basic letters by the second working day for five months1, and the delivery of registered mail for 3 months2

Assessment of penalties

In assessing SingPost’s non-compliance with the QoS standards, IMDA took into consideration that this was not the first instance that SingPost failed to comply with the QoS standards. Furthermore, the margin of failure in 2017 was significant compared to SingPost’s previous instances of non-compliance with the QoS standards.

Notwithstanding the above, IMDA also considered SingPost’s efforts to redeliver the delayed mail. This ensured late deliveries were successfully redelivered within one week. 

Having considered all factors, IMDA has imposed a financial penalty of $100,000 on SingPost for the nine incidents of non-compliance with IMDA’s QoS standards in the period from January to December 2017.

Ms Aileen Chia, IMDA’s Deputy Chief Executive and Director-General (Telecoms & Post), said: “IMDA expects SingPost to deliver reliable public postal services to consumers and businesses, in compliance with its licence obligations. IMDA has been closely monitoring the performance of SingPost’s postal services, and will take firm action against SingPost for any breaches of the public postal licence requirements and QoS standards.”

Ms Chia added: “The recent service lapses by SingPost indicate gaps in SingPost’s processes and we require them to implement measures urgently to meet the public’s evolving postal needs.”

IMDA is assessing SingPost’s QoS for 2018 currently and will publish the results by mid-2019. 

Separately, IMDA is also investigating the 29 January 2019 incident of a postman discarding mail. Firm action will be taken against such behaviour as it is an offence under the Postal Services Act.


1 January, April, May, October and November 2017.
2 January, September and November 2017.


About Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA)

The Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) leads Singapore’s digital transformation with infocomm media. To do this, IMDA will develop a dynamic digital economy and a cohesive digital society, driven by an exceptional infocomm media (ICM) ecosystem – by developing talent, strengthening business capabilities, and enhancing Singapore's ICM infrastructure. IMDA also regulates the telecommunications and media sectors to safeguard consumer interests while fostering a pro-business environment, and enhances Singapore’s data protection regime through the Personal Data Protection Commission.

For more news and information, visit or follow IMDA on Facebook IMDAsg and Twitter @IMDAsg.

For media clarifications, please contact:

(Mr) Chua Hian Hou
Deputy Director, Communications and Marketing
Infocomm Media Development Authority
DID: (65) 6202 4956

(Ms) Liow Ruo Yu
Assistant Manager, Communications and Marketing
Infocomm Media Development Authority
DID: (65) 6751 2828



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