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Raids Against Obscene and Uncertificated Videos



The Films and Publications Department together with the Police conducted about 2,360 raids, seized about 450,000 obscene and uncertificated videos last year, mostly from makeshift stalls. About 2,144 persons were arrested during the raids. A summary of the raid statistics over the last three years is as follows:


Raids Seizures Persons Arrested


2,360 450,000 2,144


2,210 477,655 2,081


2,073 1,004,202 1,065

The number of obscene and uncertificated videos seized has dropped over the years despite increase in number of raids. The number of call-in to FPD’s enforcement hotline has also dropped by about half from 370 in 2000 to 200 last year.

FPD also stepped up its enforcement efforts against shops set up to sell obscene and uncertificated videos and questioned a number of landlords in connection with the use of their premises for this illegal activity. The number of such shops has decreased from 78 in 1999 to 8 last year. Under the Films Act, the landlord of a shop who let the premise for illegal video businesses, if convicted, shall be liable to a fine of up to $40,000 and/or to imprisonment of up to 12 months.

Harsh penalties are imposed for the distribution of obscene video CDs. Any person found guilty of distributing obscene videos could be fined up to $80,000 and/or given a jail term of up to 2 years. Those caught distributing uncensored videos could be fined up to $40,000 and/or given a jail term of up to six months. Any person who possesses an obscene video can be fined $500 per film and/or given a jail term of up to 6 months and any person who possesses an uncertificated video can be fined $100 per film.

Films and Publications Department
Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts
9 January 2002