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SBA Commissions Nature Documentary and Reality Info-educational Programmes on Mediaworks' Channel i



The Singapore Broadcasting Authority (SBA) has commissioned two programmes entitled SecretWorlds Singapore and Operation Tashi Deleg on MediaWorks' Channel i.

SecretWorlds Singapore
One of the few nature documentaries produced locally, SecretWorlds Singapore explores Singapore's diverse but little-known wildlife. The programme, which is aimed at creating an appreciation for the beauty of Singapore's natural legacy, takes viewers from the coastline to the mangrove swamps to rainforests in search of the residents of Singapore's remaining natural habitats. It will look at the resilience and adaptability of animals like the monitor lizard and the Flying Lemur and how certain wildlife species have carved out a whole new niche for themselves in the city.

Commissioned by SBA at $150,000, the six-part documentary will be telecast on Channel i every Sunday from 14 April to 19 May at 9pm. The series is produced by local production house, The Moving Visuals.

Operation Tashi Deleg
This reality info-educational documentary follows the trials and tribulations of a group of Raleigh Singapore youth volunteers as they embark on a month-long mission, dubbed Operation Tashi Deleg, to rebuild a primary school for a nomadic community in Tibet. The series traces the character-building of the youths, capturing the challenges and victories experienced as well as the friendships with the Tibetans that develop along the way.

Also produced by The Moving Visuals, this five-part series is funded at $125,000 by SBA under its commissioning scheme. Making its debut starting from 26 May 2002, the programme will be shown on Channel i every Sunday at 9pm.

Ms Amy Chua, SBA's Director of Programmes said, "This is the first time SBA is commissioning a nature documentary series and we hope that it contributes towards creating an awareness and appreciation of the richness of the flora and fauna in Singapore. For Operation Tashi Deleg, we hope that Singaporeans will be inspired by the spirit of volunteerism and how ties are forged in a physically challenging environment".