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Singapore Broadcasting Authority (SBA) Commissions a Three-part Series on Issues Related to Having Children



The Singapore Broadcasting Authority (SBA) has commissioned a trilogy series entitled "My Little Angel" on MediaCorp TV's Channel 8. The serie features heartwarming stories of how couples deal with various thorny issues related to low weight babies, abortion and infertility.

The first episode "Little Warrior" looks at the implications of low-weight babies on the child and parents. After years of longing for a child, Mrs Goh gave birth to a son who only weights 770 grams at birth. Despite being told that the child has a 30 per cent chance of survival, Mr and Mrs Goh showered their care and concern on the child, who grew up to be a healthy boy.

"The Choice" looks at hte experiences of couples who chose between abortion and having a child;and the difficulties they have to overcome. Lastly, "Longing For A Child" looks at the perseverance of couples who are willing to go through all difficulties to find fulfilment in having a child.

Ms Amy Chua, SBA's Director of Programmes said, "The producers of this series have illustrated, in a touching and human way, some of the issues facing couples in deciding to have children. The series is a celebration of life and the joy that children bring to their families".

The series was produced with advice and assistance from Ministry of Community Development and Sports (MCDS). According to Mrs Tan-Huang Shuo Mei, Director, Family Education Department, MCDS, "This series brings to public conciousness the dilemma that some couples face in having children. We are awed as to how these couples have overcome medical obstacles just to experience the joy of being parents."

Mr Khiew Voon Kwang, Vice-President of Network Programming and Promotions 8, MediaCorp TV, said, "As the leading homegrown News and Entertainment Channel, Channel 8 is pleased to present another quality documentary series that touches the heart and soul of Singaporeans."

The three-part series will make its debut on Channel 8 every Sunday from 8 to 22 September at 10:30pm. Commissioned by SBA at $66,000,the series is produced by Channel 8's in-house TR Report production team.