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Singapore Broadcasting Authority (SBA)Commissions New Series on Singapore's Firsts



The Singapore Broadcasting Authority (SBA) has commissioned Singapore's Firsts, a six-episode series that celebrates the country's pioneering spirit and showcases some of Singapore's accomplishments. Commissioned at a cost of $105,000, it will make its debut tomorrow, 25 January at 7.30pm on Channel NewsAsia and aired on subsequent Friday evenings till 1 March 2002.

Over the last three decades, this small, cosmopolitan nation has bagged many firsts. Some are global or regional firsts, but they are often accomplishments Singaporeans themselves are not aware of, or have taken for granted.

Each episode of the series will feature an area where Singapore had achieved world "firsts" and will trace the beginnings of each achievement as well as look at how it has evolved since its inception. Some of the "firsts" cover Singapore's public housing programme, Singapore's development into a Garden City and Singapore's medical milestones.

Singapore's Firsts is produced by MediaCorp News.