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Children TV series funded by Media Development Authority (MDA) teaches science in a fun way


The Media Development Authority (MDA) has commissioned a 10-part children's educational series on TV entitled Science At Work .

Science At Work uses a fun and engaging approach to teach children simple facts about science. Through games and experiments, the programme shows how daily things in life like telephones, musical instruments, and daily staples, such as bread and yogurt, are based on simple logic behind physics, chemistry and biology.

Each week, Professor Kang Kang and Professor Kong Kong will embark on a discovery journey as the duo teaches children simple experiments and about do-it-yourself gadgets. For example, the children will learn how to make yogurt and at the same time, find out how the bacteria in yogurt helps the human body digest food. In another episode, children will study sound waves and learn how to make music from glasses of water. Other topics include the wonders of human body, the evolution of the animal kingdom and the logic behind gravity.

Ms Amy Chua, MDA's Director of Media Content Division said, "Through simple experiments, the programme can stimulate children's interest in science. The hands-on session makes learning more fun and encourages the children to be creative and use simple things at home to make their own gadgets."

The series will be shown on MediaCorp's Channel 8. Mr Khiew Voon Kwang, Senior Vice-President of MediaCorp TV Programming and Promotions said, "Ch 8 is proud to work with MDA in commissioning the series as Ch 8 always believes in providing our kids viewers with fresh programme genre that is not only educational but also fun and entertaining."

Commissioned at $200,000, the series will make its debut on 4 May 2003 and every Sunday from 10.30am.