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MDA holds Media 21 forum - industry to discuss global media city blueprint Minister to launch new media industry development schemes


The Media Development Authority (MDA) will be holding a Media 21 Forum on "Co-creating the future: Singapore, a Global Media City". The forum will see the gathering of 300 representatives from the media industry, including terrestrial, cable and satellite broadcasters, filmmakers, film exhibitors, film and TV distributors, bankers, venture capitalists, private equity investors, entertainment lawyers, business consultants and media-related IT companies. They will discuss MDA's Media 21 blueprint at the forum.

MDA's Media 21 blueprint envisions Singapore as a Global Media City, where media services and projects are created, developed, traded and distributed to the international market. The vision anchors Singapore as Asia's leading media marketplace and financing hub, producing high quality content and digital media development. Media 21 seeks to increase the GDP contribution of the media cluster from the current 1.56%1 to 3.0% in 10 years, and creating over 10,000 new jobs for Singaporeans.

The Guest of Honour at the forum is Dr Lee Boon Yang, Minister for Information, Communications and the Arts. Dr Lee will be launching new media industry development schemes at the forum. These schemes will be a comprehensive slate of industry development initiatives spanning the next five years, covering key areas such as content development, capabilities development, digital media development and market development. Dr Lee will also be announcing measures to help the films and video industry following a review of the films and video licensing framework.

Explaining the objectives of holding the Media 21 Forum, Mr Lim Hock Chuan, CEO of MDA, said, "Media 21 is our vision of how we can co-create our future of Singapore as a global media city by working with the industry partners and players. It represents a holistic approach to develop the whole media ecosystem, covering the whole range of processes ranging from content production and delivery, the education system, talent development, infrastructure and facilities, and media literacy. Almost two years of work went into Media 21 blueprint, through industry roundtable discussions, International Advisory Panel meeting, dialogues with tertiary institutions and think tanks. Media 21 is now included in the Economic Review Committee report and it captures the vision of the entire media industry."

"The Media 21 Forum is an opportunity for all of us in the media industry to discuss how the industry can continue to grow and thrive. The MDA will be sharing our plans to grow the industry through several new development schemes. I am confident that we will have a full and fruitful discussion at the forum," Mr Lim added.

The forum will be held Tuesday, 8 July 2003, 1.30pm at Zouk (17 Jiak Kim Street, Singapore 169420).