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MDA unveils the different faces of Changi in latest documentary


The Media Development Authority (MDA) has commissioned a two-part documentary series on Changi on Channel NewsAsia (CNA). Entitled Faces of Changi, this two-part documentary series captures Changi as it stands today and explores the laid-back charm of a place steeped in both history and heritage.

Faces of Changi not only reveals the sights and sound of Changi, but also tells the unique story of Changi as viewed through the eyes of people who have lived or worked there. Among them are shopkeepers whose businesses in Changi Village have been around for the past 50 years and bumboat operators who have been plying the waters of Changi. Bumboats aside, stories of life behind the walls of Changi Prison, the natural life that inhabits the waters of Changi and many more facets of Changi are uncovered in this two-parter.

Commissioned at a cost of $40,000 and produced by Ochre Pictures, Faces of Changi will make its debut on CNA on Thursday, 17July 2003 at 8.30pm.