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Cosmopolitan to be available from this month


Cosmopolitan will be available from this month following the Censorship Review Committee (CRC)'s 2002/2003 recommendation to allow the sale and distribution of publications with adult content, provided they do not contain exploitative sex and nudity. The relaxation on the importation of Cosmopolitan is in line with calls from the public for greater choice in media content. It also follows recent moves by the Media Development Authority (MDA) to revise the film classification scheme, to allow more choice for young adults, and to introduce classification for cable programmes and videos, again with the aim of providing more content choices for the public.

MDA has consulted its Publications Consultative Panel in its latest move to allow adult-interest magazines like Cosmopolitan. As some members had expressed concerns about the magazine being accessible to the young, the Authority also held dialogues with the industry to put appropriate measures in place to protect the young from accessing such magazines. Adult-interest publications, Cosmopolitan included, will have to be shrink-wrapped and covers must feature prominently the consumer advice "Unsuitable for the Young".

Basskaran Nair, Chairman of the Publications Consultative Panel said, "The Publications Consultative Panel believes that it is important to continue upholding strong traditional family and moral values. The Panel, comprising 50 members from a cross section of society, representing the various races, religions, age groups and coming from academia, professional and non-professional sectors, viewed Cosmopolitan in the light of societal change. We generally agreed that allowing the circulation of Cosmopolitan is a step in providing greater choice. Similarly, we noted that the MDA's other Consultative Panels have also reviewed changes made to film and video classification and agreed that these moves have opened up more viewing choices for Singaporeans."

Amy Chua, Director, Media Content of the Media Development Authority added, "While Cosmopolitan will now be available, the move is part of a gradual process which the MDA is rolling out in response to both the CRC's recommendations and public feedback. While more options are made available to adults, it is important for parents to make informed choices for their children, and for the industry to ensure that publications only reach those for whom they are intended."

Media Contact:
Koh June May
Senior Manager
Corporate and Marketing Communications
Communications Division
Fax: 6336 4142 ;Website :


About the MDA
The Media Development Authority of Singapore (MDA) was formed on 1 January 2003 to develop Singapore into a vibrant global media city, in effect fostering a creative economy and a connected society. The agency's Media 21 strategy aims to create a vibrant environment for the industry and public, via five key thrusts: to establish Singapore as a media exchange;to export "Made-by-Singapore" content;to internationalise local media companies;to nurture local media talents;and to develop digital media.